PlugInGuru – Del Norte EDM / Chill (Omnisphere 2)

By | January 8, 2020


Publisher : PlugInGuru
Website : PlugInGuru
Format : Omnisphere 2.1+

Description : Library for creating EDM / Chill music for Omnisphere 2 + Bonus Presets

Additional Information
Say hello to Del Norte EDM / Chill – a library of modern patches ranging from pluck synths and lush pads to a great selection of BPM patches and so much more. There are 36 Multis, 515 patches and 387 custom samples. A total of 8 different patch programmers created patches for this library so the variety and scope is HUGE!
NOTE: This library has 9 patches that use KeyScape (while KeyScape is NOT required for this library, these 9 patches WILL give you a β€œ missing samples ” message if you don’t own and have installed Spectrasonics KeyScape sample expansion – simply layer acoustic or electric pianos you own from other Plug-Ins to replace the missing KeyScape keyboard layer on these 9 patches!)

Also included are 20 side-chain themed Envelope Presets. You can call these up on ANY Omnisphere 2 preset and instantly have a side-chain effect on the sound without needing any additional effects to get this effect.
This library also comes with 34 MIDI Files composed by John Lehmkuhl. There are 17 Chord / Lead, 17 Bass and 17 Drum Grooves that work well with SuperMacho Drumz.
This library also comes with 20 Side-Chain Pulsing Envelope Presets! So you can easily call up this effect and do more with this since it’s a controller source inside of Omnisphere 2 (change effects or any other synth parameter – not just volume).

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