Arturia M12-Filter v1.1.0 (VST, VST3, AAX) [Win x86 x64]

By | November 29, 2018


Year / Release Date : 7.7.2018
Version : 1.1.0
Developer : Arturia
Developer website :
Format : VST / VST3 / AAX
Digit capacity : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : cured
System Requirements :
Win 7+ PC: 4 GB RAM; 2 GHz CPU.
1GB free hard disk space
OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU

Description : The M12 filter is a full-featured Recreation multi-mode filter found in Oberheim’s iconic Matrix-12, equipped with amazing updates that make this plugin one of the most powerful, performable sound Corrective tools around. The combination of an intuitive, great sounding simulated analog tone control filter with programmable modulation envelopes, a detailed matrix mod, and random and OSC modus bonus parameters, the M12 filter should be your choice for creative frequency control. Create something from smooth sweeps of rhythmic movement, up to a full-scale randomized impulse of false crises: this plugin can handle all this.


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