Federico Soler Fernández – Effective Trailer Whooshes (WAV)

By | April 24, 2023


Publisher: Federico Soler Fernandez
Website: Federico Soler Fernández
Format: WAV
Quality: 24 bit 96 kHz stereo

Description: One-shot whistling transitions with aggressive swings, angry and sudden drops, big staggering bass, bone-chilling metallic textures, crazy reveals, shiny futuristic flies, dramatic and unsettling moves and epic cinematic openings.

Content :
Useful to emphasize transitions and fast object movements in a cartoon, cartoons, commercials, corporate commercial, explainer video, flat design video, game, games, infographic video, inspirational video, jingles, motivational video, movie, movies, musical compositions, radio, title on presentations, titles on presentations, trailers, uplifting videos, websites, youtube videos.
Each piece of sound design features five different lengths (A, B, C, D, and E) each with its own unique flavor and stylistic approach which allows the user to cover a wider range of professional work by adapting his/her favorite samples to the needs of a particular project.
Also, since each file version was created using the tempo (120 BPM), all C files, for example, will hit at the same point in the grid, making your samples easier to position in your project and quicker to audition and replace when AB testing different sound choices.
This original library is from the personal collection of trailer music composer Federico Soler Fernández (“Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets” & “Middle Earth: Shadow of War” – The Mobile Game)

Number of Files: 320 High Quality WAVS (00:32:00)
Size Unpacked: 1.03 GB
Sample Rate: 96 kHz / 24 bit
Other Info: Meta-Tagged

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