Year/Release Date : 01/30/2025
Version : 7.1.0
Developer : PreSonus
Developer’s website : PreSonus
Bit depth : 64bit
Language : ENG
Tablet : Present
System requirements : Win[2H22] 10+
Description :
Studio One Pro 7 – one DAW for all
Your universal production center with everything
you need for recording, producing, mixing, mastering and performing.
List of changes :
Version 7.1.0 (January 29, 2025):
New Features & Enhancements:
● 30-day demo available
● New “Cinematic Lights” virtual instrument
● “Convert to visualized audio” option for buses
● [Impact] Envelope control for in-place editor
● [Impact] User-defined crossfade for looped samples
● Grid and event visibility improvements
● Note event selection and editing improvements
● Multi-output instrument bus improvements
● New Launcher commands
● Option to keep speaker format when bounced in-place
● [Note Editor] Added Lydian and Locrian musical scales, also for Atom [SQ]
● Status indicator for converted tracks, buses and channels
● Moving/copying note events with arrow keys now follows the scale setting
● Improvements for Italian localization
Fixed the following issues:
● [ARA] Detached editor window causes embedded editors to distort their position
● [Browser] Incorrect indicator for selected folder
● [Browser] Tag palette display is incomplete
● [CV Instrument] Calibration fails with SSL 12 interface
● [CV Instrument] Potential crash when no instance exists
● [Documentation] Printer icon not grayed out in Notepad
● [Launcher] Two cells can be launched on the same track
● [Linux] Certain pop-up windows close before user can take action
● [macOS] Build number is cut off in Installer 1 dialog
● [macOS] File information in Open dialog is illegible
● [macOS] Lyrics overlap with browser when ● [macOS] Missing
VST3 plug-in header for some vendors
● [Console] Plug-ins do not show up when loading a .musicloop created in a previous version
● [Note Editor] Notes at maximum velocity cannot be selected in certain situations
● [Note Effect] Recording an enabled track with Dropout Protection > ‘Low’ may result in note
or effect being lost when seeking
● [Project Page] Audition bus disappears after importing an I/O Configuration preset
● [Show Page] Possible crash when switching patches using Studio One Remote
● [Score Editor] Cursor moves backwards in certain situations
● [Spectrum Meter] Empty cells at high sample rates
● [Windows] Event label text is cut off at the bottom if scaling is not 100%
● [Windows] Possible crash when copying audio events with Alt+Drag’n’Drop
● Ableton Link causes timeline issues in certain situations
● Adding automation to a virtual instrument with multiple outputs creates an unwanted
automation track in some cases
● The change indicator (asterisk*) does not disappear when saving or recalling a preset
● Automatically created buses do not load from track presets
● Bed speaker names are cut off in Dolby Atmos Renderer
● Unable to copy notes from looped events
● Demo song information does not scroll
● Duplicating (full) a multi-output instrument does not create a new bus
● Event fades and volume knobs disappear when scrolling
● Apple Spatial Audio export results in a 92KB file if output is set to > 2 channels
● HTML code appears in Studio One Pro+ Community Notifications
● Inconsistent mouse behavior in console for “Drag Send Chain”
● Input quantization does not work when writing to cells in Launcher
● Inserting silence into a loop ruins the arrangement
● Instruments/FX window hides behind the application window when losing focus
● The tempo of the last used “Launch Loops” template is set as default for new songs
● Loop region locators not fully visible when browser is open
● Cycle tool changes first beat transient
● Mouseover events not received when Splice plugin has focus
● Dragging events imported from MIDI file may cause freeze in certain situations
● Playback sometimes breaks when jumping backwards with position marker during playback
● Potential crash when Ctrl/Cmd+clicking on video track
● Score editor is blank in notepad
● Take selection menu does not show all takes
● Selecting part automation in certain value ranges does not work
● Setting track to Timestretch may cause event resizing to be unnecessary
● Waterfall/Spectrometer sonogram is corrupted on second display
● Undoing delete/replace instrument resets keyboard range on Multi Instrument
Installation|Activation :
1. Install PreSonus Studio One Pro 7
2. Install and run PreSonus Sphere Manager v2.0.0
3. Click Install Magic – Studio One 7.cmd
4. Click Subscription – Renew.cmd
5. Run PreSonus Studio One Pro 7
This release can be installed over the previous version 7.0.2
and follow steps 3,4,5 from the “Activation” section
Studio One 7 Pro Content
PreSonus – Deep Flight One
PreSonus Sphere Manager :
-=[ PreSonus Sphere Manager ]=-
TEAM R2R PreSonus Sphere Manager is a management tool for maintaining your PreSonus subscription.
[ Quick Start ]
Run Sphere Manager . The “commands” folder will open.
Run “Install Magic – Studio One 7.cmd” in the “commands” folder .
Run “Subscription – Renew.cmd” in the “commands” folder .
When updating the product, you may need to run “Install Magic – Studio One 7.cmd” again .
[ Renew Subscription ]
Your subscription has expired (about 1 month). It needs to be renewed.
However, you do not need to renew your subscription manually.
When you launch the product, our “Magic” asks the Sphere manager to renew your subscription every 14 days.
You can still renew your subscription manually if you have problems or want to update your information.
The subscription license is saved as “%PROGRAMDATA%\PreSonus\Subscription\subscription”.license”
* Why subscription can’t be longer than 1 month?
Because PreSonus requires monthly payment.
The app doesn’t allow to extend the subscription for more than 1 month.
Of course, with R2R it is possible to bypass this license length check,
but we need to modify the binary for each update.
[ License Information ]
License information is stored in the registry.
This information is used when renewing your Sphere Manager subscription.
You can change it if necessary.
“HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TEAM R2R\Sphere Manager” .
“ComputerKey” : Challenge code. Sphere Manager gets this code from “PreSonusCloud.dll” created by PreSonus.
“ComputerName” : Computer name.
“DisplayName” : Licensee name as displayed in the application.
“LastSync” : Date of the last successful renewal of the Sphere Manager license.
[ More about usage ]
SphereManager.exe [ command ] [ parameters ]
The setup program is launched once. The ComputerKey , ComputerName , DisplayName
parameters are set in the registry .
renew [/no change]
Renews your subscription.
/no change – no results dialog is displayed.
magicS1 [/regkey “registrykey”] [/silent]
Install “Magic” into the specified Studio One installation.
/regkey – Specify the registry key name in “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PreSonus”.
/silent – Do not show the results dialog.
magicN6 [/silent]
Install “Magic” in Notion 6.
/silent – Don’t show the results dialog.
[ Release Log ]
Version 2.0.0
* Initial Public Release
The witch says:
You need our Setup PreSonus Sphere Manager v2.0.0.exe
it allows you to manage your subscription licenses and PreSonus applications.
For technical reasons (DRM related) we are moving to a subscription from single licenses.
Difference from the previous method:
● Single license file to activate all supported products.
● Accepts official .install package . It no longer accepts the previous fixed .install package .
It doesn’t work for me. I always get a “License not valid” error. Uninstall, reinstall, installing as update, installing as fresh install, reboot, nothing helps. Any sugestions?
BTW: I love you guys! Keep up the good work!
expericed same thing with setting up S.O 7.1.0 – Activation error ‘licence not valid’…! Admod, Respect. please help us resolve licence issue. thanks for all you do.
I had the same problem.
What worked for me was doing a clean installation.
Use an uninstaller that removes Studio One and Sphere, along with all their traces on the PC.
Delete everything related to Studio One in Documents and AppData.
PreSonus Sphere Manager is installed in C:\Program Files\TEAM R2R\PreSonus Sphere Manager\commands, delete everything, including the R2R folder.
After that, restart your PC and install it again; it worked for me.
can you add cinematic lights plugin?
After getting license not valid I noticed in the registry that the machine-ID was slightly different from the ID suggested by Studio One. I corrected it and voilà!
May i ask…. can I log in to the splice to use it?