Audio Ease – Kaufman Astoria (ALTIVERB)

By | December 29, 2023


Publisher: Audio Ease
Website: audioease
Format: ALTIVERB 7.28+

Description: KAS Music Hall A is one of the largest halls on the east coast. It can handle a 70-piece orchestra in terms of space and reverb, and at the time of this IR’s release, it is undoubtedly one of the best sounding, if not the best sounding, in Altiverb recording history.

Full and open sound with very little roll-off in the highs. This is where Placido Domingo and Tony Bennett go to record their vocals. (Tony Bennett / Lady Gaga – Cheek to Cheek, Placido Domingo – Verdi: The Tenor Arias).

Recording was carried out using six DPA 4006 microphones and Genelec 1032 monitors.

Installation :
WIN: Place file in C\Program Files\Audio Ease\Altiverb 7\Impulse Responses\Audio Ease IRs
MAC: Place the file in Applications\Audio Ease\Altiverb 7\Impulse Responses
Note: IR will appear in the โ€œStudio & Scoringโ€ section.

2 thoughts on “Audio Ease – Kaufman Astoria (ALTIVERB)

  1. H.

    Pls make symlink for the Audio Ease Bundle, it would be perfect!!!!

  2. H.

    Pls make SymLink Installer for the Audio Ease Bundle v8, it would be perfect!!!!


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