Year of release : 15.02.2023
Version : v1.2.0 MAC
Developer : Output
Developer website : https://output.com/products/movement
Platform : Intel/Apple Silicon Universal
Interface language : English
Tablet : The program is cured (does not require data entry)
System Requirements : Mac OS X 10.14+ and later
Description : Rhythm FX engine: Your sounds are powerful rhythms.
Welcome to MOVEMENT, an exciting and powerful effects engine that adds simple, mind-blowing rhythms to any input in real time – from guitars and keyboards to synths, pads, drums and even full mixes. Created for studio use and live performance in equal measure, the creators of EXHALE, SIGNAL and REV offer you a tool that expands the possibilities of your music.
your sounds. Powerful rhythms
The basics of MOTION are simple: tap into a beat from one of over 300 presets or create from scratch, then use the XY pad to tweak in real time. Play with it live, automate it in your DAW, or just find the perfect combination of original input and beats. You’ll quickly see that no matter how subtle or crazy fixed-tempo rhythms are, they’re made to be musical.
Behind the Engine: The power of Movement lies in the combination of the original source with 4 unique rhythm engines, each featuring Sidechain, LFO and Step Sequencer based modulation, as well as Output’s patented Flux and Randomizer. In addition, 76 parameters are available to modulate and add movement to the sound. Pumping reverb and compressors, opening and closing analog filters and EQ, changing delays and tube distortion, heating and cooling the input signal are just a few examples. And since the source is split from the start, you can bring in and out the rhythm to your liking.
Extended Sidechain: MOVEMENT’s unique feature is Extended Sidechain Modulation, allowing the user to modulate up to 38 individual parameters using an input source. In addition to the usual kick/compressor sidechain combination, you can now use this input to modulate filters, reverb, distortion, EQ, delays and more at the same time.
Intuitive, fast and easy to use: MOVEMENT is designed to be simple, intuitive and fast, yet powerful in the background. Whether you’re tweaking a preset or creating a beat from scratch, the possibilities are endless. Encourage yourself to be creative.
key features
– Over 300 presets for instant playback
– Enter any sound, instrument, or track
– Modulate any parameter with any rhythm in real time
– Sidechain, LFO, step sequencer rhythm modulation
– Patented output stream and randomizer
– Advanced sidechain modulation – modulate any Parameter
– Analog filters, EQ, delay, distortion, compression and reverb effects
– XY pad for increased performance
– Designed for live performance and for the studio
New in Motion V1.1
Reverse Delay Treble
/Bass EQ Mode
Faster Boot Time / Less CPU Load