Year / Release Date : 10.2018
Version : 1.8.3
Developer : Madrona Labs
Developer site : Madrona Labs
Format : VSTi
Digit capacity : 32bit, 64bit
Tablet : Ne Needed
System requirements : Windows 7 +
Composition :
Madrona Labs – Kaivo 1.8.3 VSTi x86 x64
Description : Kaivo is a semi-modular software synthesizer that combines two powerful ways to create sound: granular synthesis and physical modeling. Kaivo for the first time offers the latest research in physical modeling. In mathematical terms, his finite-difference method in the time domain, based on discretization, allows the user to “get inside the instrument” and influence internal oscillations at any point. This allows you to get an accurate degree of realistic detail. Although Kaivo is capable of creating very realistic sounds, it is also intended to apply this feature to abstract creations. Kaivo has eight different types of tuned resonators, each with its own complex sound response. In Kaivo, it is possible to create expansive spatial sounds with independent panning.
– fixed bugs with Scala .scl and .kbm handling
– fixed issue with step sequencer not quantizing to current scale
– fixed issue with step sequencer UI
– added slower LFO minimum speed and finer adjust (0.0001 Hz)
– added response to “canDo” MPE query in VST plugin
zopper noise for panel parameters
– fixed clicks when gate / leak dial is changed

Description : Aalto is a semi-modular software synthesizer with an innovative, customizable user interface, distinctive sounds and charming personality. The Aalto sound engine allows you to create sounds that have been difficult or impossible to do with other software synthesizers so far. Aalto’s heart is a complex oscillator, inspired by the Buchla hardware, with FM, timbres and waveform controls that provide a wide range of expressive sounds. These sounds are uniquely malleable and lively, in part because they are made by dynamic computation rather than static waves.
Each voice has a separate built-in sequencer, independently controlled by speed and offset, which facilitate the creation of evolving chaotic textures. Each voice also includes a low-frequency gate module with vactrol emulation. Alignment vactrol slows down the response to incoming signals through a complex non-linear filter. You can adjust the vactrol response to instant or to pronounced.
Following the low-frequency gate is the waveguide / delay module with waveband and peak EQ built into the feedback loop. Since it has such a short and controlled delay time, unlike a typical analog delay, it can be used as an additional oscillator.
Subjectively speaking, Aalto can make a wide range of sounds, from lush to sharp, including some very complex, but not too greasy in the mix. Aalto sounds are not inflated or limited, they are wide, open and natural. We hope that our approach will be enjoyed by experienced sound engineers who have their favorite equalizers and limiters. And for those who simply enter into the synthesis, Aalto is an accurate and honest tool for learning.
– fixed bugs with Scala .scl and .kbm handling
– fixed issue with step sequencer not quantizing to current scale
– fixed issue with step sequencer UI
– added slower LFO minimum speed and finer adjust (0.0001 Hz)
– added response to “canDo” MPE query in VST plugin
zopper noise for panel parameters
– fixed possible DSP freeze with extreme LFO feedback
– fixed sometimes missing t3d light
– fixed sometimes missing label backgrounds.

Description : Virta is a modular synthesizer and effects processor that. When you send a voice (or any sound) to Virta, the sound analysis engine accurately extracts information about its pitch, timbre and time dynamics. These new signals can control almost any parameter in Virta, as well as using MIDI or OSC. Virta turns voices and instruments into all sorts of crazy sounds. Combining sound analysis with high-quality synthesis modules, Virta brings something truly new to the world of software synthesizers.
Virta can also be a very useful tool for simpler effects. Its processing modules, including the input compressor and the pitch shift with feedback delay, are very open and transparent. Since this synthesizer is easy to program, based on the user interface, Virta is a quick and enjoyable way to gain the desired effect.
– fixed bugs with Scala .scl and .kbm handling
– fixed issue with step sequencer not quantizing to current scale
– fixed issue with step sequencer UI
– added slower LFO minimum speed and finer adjust (0.0001 Hz)
– added response to “canDo” MPE query in VST plugin
zopper noise for panel parameters