Arturia – Synclavier V (VSTi, VSTi3, AUi) [OSX]

By | February 22, 2025


Release year : 11.2019
Version :
Developer : Arturia
Developer’s site : Arturia
Platform : iNTEL
Format : VST, VST3, AUi
Interface language : English
Tablet : Replacement Files
System requirements : MAC 10.10+: 4 GB RAM; 2.5 GHz CPU.
7 GB free hard disk space
OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU

  • 569.6 MB

Description : The original Synclavier is a digital synthesizer that combines several synthesis options: additive, FM, and also the so-called Timbre Frame – in fact it is a resynthesis technology based on combining arbitrary microsamples in a chain, in an arbitrary sequence. Synclavier was actually created as a computer based on a 16-bit microprocessor that connected to a simple five-octave keyboard. The tool was used by Michael Jackson, Steve Wonder, Sting, Frank Zappa, Chick Corea, John McLaughlin, Oscar Peterson, Tony Banks, Mark Knopfler and many others. Hollywood composer Alan Silvestri with the help of Synclavier created the music for the films “Cat’s Eye” and “Predator”.
The basis for sound generation in Sinclair is the “Partial Timbre” method. Each such partial tone can have its own timbre character. Full sound is created by combining several of these components. The prototype used four partial tones, while the virtual instrument uses 12 partial tones.
The sound generation possibilities of a virtual instrument are almost endless, but, of course, considerable work needs to be done to implement them. Some idea of ​​the potential of the tool can be compiled from factory presets, of which a huge amount is recorded, but they do not cover the whole range of its capabilities. Some presets show precisely complex chains of samples, with a multifaceted and continuous “sweep” of the timbre. In general, as always, it all depends on the imagination and perseverance of the musician.

Release note:
It’s an early Christmas for Mac users! I spent 50 plus man hours reversing these Arturia plugins, much more if we don’t count just this past week. It was by far the most requested in my PMs despite me owning legit V collection 7.
Some notes about the plugins – testing in Ableton Live 10 some of the VST3 plugins crash when you delete them from a track, this is a problem for legit users too. VST and AU are not affected despite the AU wrapping the VST3 plugin – more reason to just switch to AU full time so you can use Live 10.1.4 too. AAX is working as it is wrapping the VST3 in Library / Arturia / PRODUCT NAME. Do not remove Arturia Software Center. Make sure to read instructions carefully – CASHMERE

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