EZdrummer 2 raises the process of creating drums to a new level! The new version erases any technical barriers between you and your creativity, and presents several innovative functions for quickly and easily composing music. In EZdrummer 2 you can get a finished, combined and ready-made drum track from the initial rhythmic idea.
















Indie Folk





Made Of Metal

Version : 2.0.2
Developer : Toontrack
Format : VSTi, RTAS
Digit : 32bit, 64bit
System requirements : WiN32 – VST / RTAS, WiN64 – VST
Added patched RTAS version of the plug-in from TBV.
After installation, copy the DLL from the folder Patched VST DLLs Only-TVB with replacement
Keygen is no longer needed. All libraries work!
Toontrack Products
1.Install/Update the software.
2.Run the software and our keygen.
3.Start activation.
4.Select offline activatoin.
5.Copy ComputerID to the keygen.
6.Generate a serial and an authcode.
7.Register and Enjoy!Toontrack EZdrummer 2 Lines
*** EZD2/EZX2 **********************************************
1.Install/Update the software.
2.Run our keygen and select a product.
3.Patch VST/RTAS with our keygen.
4.Run the software and start activation.
5.Select offline activation.
6.Copy ComputerID to the keygen.
7.Generate a Serial Number and an Authorization File.
8.Register and Enjoy![MacOSX]
1.Install/Update the software.
2.Copy patched AU/VST/RTAS.
3.Run our keygen on Windows.
4.Run the software and start activation.
5.Select offline activation.
6.Copy ComputerID to the keygen.
7.Generate a Serial Number and an Authorization File.
8.Register and Enjoy!*** EZX1 **************************************************
1.Install/Update the software.
2.Run the software and our keygen on Windows.
3.Start activation.
4.Select offline activation.
5.Copy ComputerID to the keygen.
6.Generate a serial and an authcode.
7.Register and Enjoy!***********************************************************
merci beaucoup
Thank for the dounload
password please
Can someone confirm if this works?
Yea can someone confirm this? SVP
Why can’t I mount the file? 🙁
patch doesn’t work, someone could help me, please?
i will try to help once dl is complete.
Works perfrectly if you follow the instructions
I try, but I must admit that I don’t understand all of it…
In the Keygen, we choose Toontrack EZdrummer 2 right ?
I copy the computer ID
I put it in the keygen
The file is wrong…
and there is 2 keygen, I can’t get it… I’m not very comfurtable with all of this, the keyge, etc, so it’s pretty complicated when you don’t know…
anayway, I tried differrents ways but no, I can’t do this.
If anayone can help, i’ll be very glad !
Hi Jul! Are you using Mac or Windows?
I have successfully installed but is asking me for the sound library update for each expansion
when I open the EZdrummer!
Can you help please?
this will work for Mac ?
When i run the keygen, nothing happens. I deactivate my antivirus because it place it in quarantine, but when i run the antivirus, nothing happens, no message, no interface…
And with the first way to install, i place the .dll in system 32 but it replace nothing, and when i run ezdrummer, it ask me the activation, so it don’t work…
anyone can help ?
Thanks a lot, and sorry for my English (french guy here 😉 )
hey, the instructions are not very clear.
can anyone help please
Good Job
“The file is wrong”…
This is a shit
“The file is wrong”…
Is a shit
All good with me work fine
If on a mac use crossover and put keygem on desktop
oooooo myyy goooodddddd.thank youuu my frend.all goood.no problem.okkk
How do I install expansion packs files are there but no installer
Hello Guys,
The file to patch is EZdrummer.dll
If you try to patch the ones on C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins DOES NOT gonna work.
you need to patch the one on common files:
64 Bit
C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Toontrack
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Toontrack
The search tab does not work ..or am I missing something.
It says:
“The version installed is not the latest on your system. Contact support for more information.”
I have installed all the updates within the files provided. Where am I going wrong?
It’ worked.
Use method 1 TBV in instruction above.
Copy file .dll then paste to replace file .dll in folder that ezdrummer installed.
It locate at:
C/ Programfile/vst OR
C/programdata/toontrack/ezdrummer OR inside the folder you instal the DAW
Good luck everyone!
it worked but one of them doesnt have any setup file. and two of them doesnt work. nashville pop and one more couldnt be loaded due to this problems.
Doesnt Work. This is not first time for me to crack and install some VST and plugin
Instruction are not clear. It miss something.
I ve spent a day, trying, copying, pasting, reading, searching, cutting.
Use FIRST WAY FROM TBV in instruction above. Just follow the instruction.
I had used this way to crack and it worked perfectly.
Good luck!
how are you guys even downloading this torrent? It just forwards my chrome to some shitty website.
OK i share my way to install this and it’s work for me , my laptop is Windows 8.1 64 bit
I hope this way will help anyone in here
1.) Go to folder Ez Drummer ( top folder ) > EZDrummer 2 (.rar) ekstract it > EZdrummer 64-bit > Install
2.) Go to folder EZdrummer 2 Update 2.0.2 > Toontrack.EZdrummer.2.v2.0.2.Update.Incl.Patch.and.Keygen-R2R
> EZdrummer 64-bit Update > Install
3.) Go to folder EZdrummer 2 Update 2.0.2 > Toontrack.EZdrummer.2.v2.0.2.Update.Incl.Patch.and.Keygen-R2R
> Folder R2R > Toontrack_KeyGen > Run
4.) On the Keygen
– click 『Product』 and choose 『Toontrack EZdrummer 2』
– click 『Patch RSA-1024 Public Key』and go to Local Disk (C) > Program Files > Common Files > VST3 >
Toontrack > EZdrummer.dll > Open
– start 『EZ Drummer』 app and choose 『Offline Activation』
– copy 『ComputerID』 to the keygen and 『Generate a Serial Number and an Authorization File』 > give
extension .ttauh –> in my case i give name R2RAUTH.ttauth > save
– back to Ez Drummer , click 『Select your authorization file』and go to Local Disk (C) > Program Files >
Common Files > VST3 > Toontrack > R2RAUTH.ttauth > Open > Authorize > Success !!
on the top information 【after installation, copy the DLL from the folder Patched VST DLLs Only-TVB
with replacement Keygen is no longer needed. 】, maybe it”s mean don’t use EZdrummer.dll from folder
Patched VST DLLs Only-TVB to patch keygen
i use EZdrummer.dll from folder Program Files > Common Files > VST3 > Toontrack to patch keygen and
it’s work for me . Good Luck everyone , cheers from Indonesia m (^_^) m
hello everyone i require some help like many others. so installed this and upon start up ezdrummer works but there are tabs with no info and ite ells me i have no sample library. ok whatever i can still load midi. anyways the added expansions do not work at all so iupdated to 2.1.8 and on standalone it works perfectly!!HOWEVER…..
when i load as a vst in any DAW it is broken one again and will not let me load other kits. it keeps saying i have to update but i already did to 2.1.8. i dont really want to create drum tracks in the standalone then impirt the wavs into the daw i want to do it all in the daw, can anyone help???
how did u manage to install all expansion packs?
where can I find the .rar?? Its not included in the download pack.. you should elaborate what that means.
1.) Go to folder Ez Drummer ( top folder ) > EZDrummer 2 (.rar) ekstract it > EZdrummer 64-bit > Install
It works, but my Ableton 10 Lite doesn’t find it. Anyone with the same problem or it’s just me doing something wrong?
Guys, next
after installed go to the folder where the downloaded program is,
ex: C: \ Users \ william \ Downloads \ EZDrummer 2 \ Patched VST DLLs Only-TVB 2.0.2 \ VST \ 64bit
remove the installed dll
copy the dll file and paste in the folder
ex: C: \ Users \ william \ Downloads \ EZDrummer 2 \ Patched VST DLLs Only-TVB 2.0.2 \ VST \ 64bit
link down, pls fix
yes please fix the link
The link is broken.
Link down. Not work.
I got the core to work but how do I add new kits (for example drumkit from hell) to the program?
where is the link of the torrent????
reupload please
Link dead!
link dead 🙁
Enjoy guys 🙂
Have a nice DAY.
How do I get the magnet link to work?
You can google how to do it 🙂
But select all text and copy on the URL on any torrent client. Ultra EASY!
What I did was:
1. Intalled the app from the first folder EZDrummer2
2. Intalled the update from third folder EZdrummer 2 Update 2.0.2
3. Copied the patch from the folder Patched VST DLLs Only-TVB 2.0.2 and patched the dll in C:\Program Files\VstPlugins\Toontrack\EZdrummer.dll
4. Run the program
5. Installed every library from fourth folder named EZX
muito bom gostei
Worked like a charm!
Really appreciate it.
magnet link doesn’t work
For the record, if you follow the 1st instructions, install and patch the .dll in your vst folder everything will work and there’s no need to run the keygen! Works great, thanks for the upload.
iLocoss, downloaded but its just csv files!!!!
Broken link. I´ll be more than happy if you fix it. THX in advance!
Link is not working, torrent magnet not appearing.
No link available 🙁
Link dead…please reupload
link no longer works 🙁 used to have this exact version on previous computer and it worked beautifully,
this software is indispensable for those without the money for a license!
The link has been update
No seeds,
Ezdrummer VST Crack Can you tell me that how to install this software thanks
Ezdrummer VST Crack Thanks for share free data download link.
there is a message called the database has not been installed, the SEARCH and the BEAT MAKER not working other things are fine. PLS HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!