Publisher : EST Studios
Website : Go
Format : WAV
Quality : 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo
- 1.29Β GB
Description : EST Studios is proud to present this outstanding collection of Liquid Drum & Bass vocals, masterfully performed by Sammy Hall. This pack is for those who want beautiful harmonies and mesmerizing lead lines ready to use in your projects. Influenced by artists such as Technimatic, Hybrid Minds, Monrroe, Calibre, LSB and Spectrasoul. If you are a fan of Liquid Drum & Bass, this is not to be missed! Content
5 main song kits made up of 152 individual parts
4 bitesized song kits made up of 88 individual parts
228 vocal one shot words and phrases
Additional information :
EST Studios are proud to present this outstanding collection of Liquid Drum & Bass vocals expertly sung by Sammie Hall. This pack is for anyone who wants beautiful harmonies and haunting lead-lines ready to drop into your productions. Influenced by artists like Technimatic, Hybrid Minds, Monrroe, Caliber, LSB and Spectrasoul, if you are a fan of Liquid Drum & Bass this is not to be missed!