8Dio – Intimate Studio Strings v1.3 – 3 Part (KONTAKT)

By | July 20, 2020


Publisher: 8Dio
Website: 8dio
Format: KONTAKT 5.8+
Quality: 24 bit 48 kHz stereo

Description: The Intimate Studio Strings series, spanning over 500 hours of sessions, celebrates 8Dio’s commitment to pushing boundaries not only in technology, but also in cutting-edge techniques to achieve modern, reproducible and fully customizable studio sound. Coming from more than 109,000 audio files and 113 GB of uncompressed samples, 8Dio Intimate Studio Strings are clean and polished 60,000 files, compressed to 45 GB on your hard drive. Only the most musical, inspirational and essential files made it to the final stage.
Using new and truly unique isolation technologies, we’ve been able to span multiple section sizes, ensuring that all instruments mix seamlessly, giving you the ability to mix, match, merge and combine. It all includes 2 independent solo double basses, 2 double basses (mixed), cello solo, 2 cellos, 3 cellos (mixed), viola solo, 2 violas, 3 violas (mixed), solo violin, 2 violins A, 2 violins B , 3 violins A (mixed), 3 violins B (mixed), 4 violins (mixed), 5 violins (mixed). In total, 256 combinations of string sizes are available to you.
Each instrument also has its own fully compatible mixer with features such as Solo, Mute, Output Routing, Volume and Panning, all complemented by our more advanced offerings, allowing you the luxury of changing the number of players (whether it’s real recordings or mixed / overlays)) as well as a new remote control that smoothly mixes direct, direct and dry signal with wider and more spacious signal.
8Dio Intimate Studio Strings gives you direct access to dozens of advanced and unique playing styles and articulations, full host tempo synchronization (matching articulations only), the ability to control the size of your section, the ability to control the volume of each section, routing, panning, and even distance / perspective in stereo field. All in one streamlined and sophisticated package. Studio Intimate Strings is the beginning of a new journey, and we hope you all join us.

New in Version :
We have been listening to the community and have now updated our critically acclaimed Intimate Studio Strings based on your feedback, with a variety of enhancements to the internal mapping along with other general improvements. We have also optimized the entire library for Kontakt 5.8, allowing for advanced features and superior performance.
Intimate Studio Strings now also features our latest Chaos Effects 4.0, allowing you to customize the signal path and post-processing of your ensemble with over 140 impulse responses, stereo delays, EQ and much more.
Perhaps the most crucial components to this update are the extended articulation patches. You can now use our “Poly-Time” articulations to playback Bowed Arcs at a speed that suits your composition, as well as fluently and effortlessly play all the Bowed and Performance driven playing styles in a legato fashion, allowing for flowing melodic lines. We have also implemented our latest “Chordal” legato mode, which features a true polyphonic legato with accurately sampled intervals, enabling you to play multiple harmonies within a single track.

Specifications :
113GB compressed to 45GB of content
True Deep-Sampled Studio Strings
Advanced Section Control. Up to 256 String Size Combinations
Deep-Sampled Violin (s) (1, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4 and 5)
Deep-Sampled Viola (s), Cello (s) and Bass (es) (1, 2 or 3)
Full Mixer for each instrument and section
Advanced Layered Legatos w / dynamics
Ostinato Measured Portato, Tremolo and Legato w / dynamics
Fluent microphone control between near-field to entire studio

* Due to the large size of the torrent file itself (over 16 GB), the distribution had to be divided into 3 parts.




3 thoughts on “8Dio – Intimate Studio Strings v1.3 – 3 Part (KONTAKT)

  1. christmas

    please post a new link i cant get these to work


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