Steinberg – Dorico Pro 5 v5.1.60 – R2R [WIN x64]

By | December 1, 2024


Year/Release Date : 10.2024
Version : 5.1.60
Developer : Steinberg
Developer’s website : Steinberg
Bit depth : 64bit
Interface language : Russian, English, etc.
Tablet : present (R2R)
System requirements : Windows 10/11 22H2 (or higher)

Description :

Professional music editorWhat’s new in Steinberg Dorico 5:
Steinberg Dorico 5 features new templates, MIDI trigger support, and score content analysis tools for more precise dynamic placement.

The editor has a new Stage Space mixer, which provides a simplified interface for panning and adjusting the reverb of instruments. The mixer is a schematic representation of the stage with the exact arrangement of instruments: users can arrange the orchestra members on the stage as they wish, and all changes will affect the panning and reverb settings.

For example, moving one of the instruments to the left on the stage will cause the program to automatically shift the pan control for the instrument track to the left. At the same time, the corresponding reverb settings will be applied to the instrument, which will further blur its sound in the overall mix.

Natural, small variations in the volume of a performance are the main thing that distinguishes a live recording from a sampled or synthesized instrument. To account for these deviations, Dorico’s sound engine now analyzes the instrument scores and changes the dynamics of the performance. It is noted that special attention is paid to ascending and descending phrases, which are often performed slightly louder or quieter. At the same time, the function works separately from the analysis: the engine is able to imitate changes in dynamics on its own, based on the composition of the score.

According to Steinberg, the analysis will make the played scores more alive. The developers recommend testing the function on existing projects after the update to assess the difference between the interpretation of music in the previous and current versions of the editor.

Steinberg Dorico 5 also received MIDI triggers, which are separate regions with their own behavior. In particular, triggers can play notes or chords that are not in the score within a specified time. The developers believe that the presence of such automation will significantly save users’ time and allow them to freely experiment with the arrangement without changing the main composition.
With their help, musicians can add other instruments to a piece without writing their parts: it is enough to set the structure, rhythmic component or tonality so that the editor automatically generates a part and turns it on at the right moment. It is noted that trigger parts exist as if in parallel with the main instruments of the composition – their content is not recorded in the score and is stored separately. Thanks to this, users can always transfer the parts of such additional instruments to the main project.

Another important innovation of the program is the appearance of the Scrub playback mode. In this mode, the program plays a single instrument or group of tracks from any point in the project, and users can freely move forward or backward through the score at any speed. This feature is useful for checking harmonies, finding wrong notes or analyzing specific moments in the work, the developers say.

The ability to quickly edit the content is now provided for working with the score. For example, users can move notes around the score by simply dragging them, changing not only their pitch but also their rhythm. For greater clarity, the editor shows not only the notes being moved, but also the positions to which they will be moved.

The editor has learned to add elements to a project in bulk via a single selection form (you can add dozens of regions, notes or tracks), has received advanced editing and instrument settings options and support for importing and exporting information in MusicXML format. In addition to this, the program now includes the popular Steinberg Groove Agent SE sampler, familiar to users from Cubase.

R2R Note
A witch says,
* No SteinbergLibraryManager is required (optional).
* No SteinbergActivationManager is required.
* Loads faster than legit version.
* No compatiblity issue with other legit Silk and Silk powered apps.
Read included R2R.txt to see how to install.
Read NFO of our emulator to know more about our emulator releases.


Delete previous version (recommendation from R2R, so it’s your discretion)
Note:If you already have the certificate (R2RCA.cer) and Silk Emulator v1.3.0 installed , skip steps 1-3

1. _ Install the R2RCA.cer certificate Win+R > type certmgr.msc > Enter > Trusted Root Certification Authorities > Certificates > RMB on “Certificates” > All tasks > import > point to the R2RCA.cer file
You can check whether the certificate has been installed using the R2RCERTEST.exe
2. _ Install Setup Steinberg Silk Emulator v1.3.0.exe
3. _ Reboot the OS
4. _ Install Dorico5.msi Install Generic_Lower_Latency_ASIO_Driver_64bit (if needed) 5. _ Place the Content folder in :

You should also install:
• Steinberg Dorico Pro 4 Content-R2R (V5 content is not changed since V4) > HERE
• Steinberg HALion Sonic 7 v7.0.10-R2R (or later, this is required!) > HERE

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