Spitfire Audio – Spitfire Symphony Orchestra v1.1.0 – UPDATE (KONTAKT)

By | July 18, 2024


Publisher: Spitfire Audio
Website: Spitfire Symphony Orchestra
Format: KONTAKT (7.5.2+)
Quality: 24 bit 48 kHz stereo

Description: Update for the Spitfire Symphony Orchestra library

Changes in version 1.1.0 :
v1.1 (July 2024)
FIX: PB-5622 – Solo Horn All techniques had duplicate articulations for rip/fall/flutter,
FIX: PB-5631 PB-5632 – Fixed UACC issues in various patches,
FIX: PB-5628 – Some percussion playing rolls at high velocity with option turned off,
FIX: PB-5630 – Bass Trombones a2 inconsistent mapping of rip/fall speed to CC16. Now on mod wheel,
FIX: PB-5758 – Contrabass Solo Tuba – Tenuto B0 & C1 short releases are a semitone above the note,
FIX: PB-5632 – UACC description for “Generic Legato” fixed,
FIX: PB-5690 PB-5664 – Missing variation and release sliders on various percussive patches,
FIX: PB-5749 – UI issue with stereo panner fixed,
FIX: UACC help text underneath articulation icon updates on keyswitching option change,
FIX: Sul C/G now show articulation icon instead of guide text,
FIX: ‘Now active’ when overlaying multiple articulations updates correctly,
FIX: Performance legato issues fixed,
CHANGE: Tweak to UI layout for UACC labeling (underneath articulation name),
CHANGE: Various Performance legatos tweaked or improved,
ADDED: Tenor Trombone Total Performance patch added with playing guide,
ADDED: NEW Oboe Solo Principal Total Performance patch added with playing guide

Patches with important/major changes:
Tenor Trombone Solo – Total Performance.nki (New Total performance)
Oboe Principal – Total Performance.nki (New Total performance)
Tuned – Marimba.nki (Release issue with rolls fix)
Patches with less important changes:
Drums – High.nki (Rolls on high velocity fix)
Drums – Low.nki (Rolls on high velocity fix)
Ensembles – Contemporary.nki (Rolls on high velocity fix)
Ensembles – Low Ensemble.nki (Rolls on high velocity fix)
Ensembles – Traditional Orchestra.nki (Rolls on high velocity fix)
Other – Toys.nki (Rolls on high velocity fix)
Percussion – Other – Toys – Tambourines.nki (Rolls on high velocity fix)
Bass Trombones a2 – All techniques (Rip and Fall speed moved to mod wheel)
Brass – Bass Trombones a2 – Fall.nki (change length now with mod wheel)
Brass – Bass Trombones a2 – Rip.nki ​​(change length now with mod wheel)
Horn Solo – All techniques.nki (duplicate Rip/Fall/Flutter removed)
Contrabass Solo Tuba (Tenuto tuning fix)
Brass Contrabass Solo Tuba – Short Tenuto (Tenuto tuning fix)
Bass Trombones a2 – Performance.nki (UACC set to 20)
Horns a2 – Performance.nki (UACC set to 20)
Tenor Trombones a2 – Performance.nki (UACC set to 20)
Trumpets a2 – Performance.nki (UACC set to 20)
Tuba Solo – Performance.nki (UACC set to 20)
Celli – Sul C – Performance.nki (UACC set to 37)
Violas – Sul C – Performance.nki (UACC set to 37)
Violins 1 – Sul G – Performance.nki (UACC set to 37)
Violins 2 – Sul G – Performance.nki (UACC set to 37)

v1.0.2 (March 2024)
HOTFIX: UI NKC included to reduce likelihood of graphical/programming issues when updating

3 thoughts on “Spitfire Audio – Spitfire Symphony Orchestra v1.1.0 – UPDATE (KONTAKT)

  1. Hristo Naydenov

    Absolutely legendary, thank you for what you do, allowing people to creatively express themselves without being blocked by the insane price tags on these libraries (which are absolutely worth it if that’s your livelyhood btw!).

    1. RK

      How to Update?
      It says:
      no UPID is available in the ProductHints.
      NICNT might be depricted one or generated by bad generator

  2. gilucu

    how do i install it? do i just drag the folder inside library or how?


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