Official site: Omnisphere
Official site: Sonic Extensions
Release design : by Implode Sch
Interface language: English only
Treatment: not required, everything is treated
Windows ™ OS × 64 MSDN / Original : 7/8 / 8.1 /
10/11 RAM: 16 GB High speed and more
Processor: Multicore processor 3.0 GHz and higher
Omnisphere POWER SYNTHis Spectrasonics’ flagship synthesizer – an instrument of extraordinary power and versatility. Top performers around the world rely on Omnisphere as their primary source of sound inspiration. This award-winning software combines many different types of synthesis into one amazing-sounding instrument that will spark a lifetime of exploration. This epic synthesizer is based on completely new sound technologies, combining a wide variety of added hybrid synthesis methods with In-Real-Time functionality, an epic library of psychoacoustic sounds, and many innovative features and technologies never seen before. neither in hardware nor in software synthesizers. Omnisphere is the only software synthesizer in the world,offering the function of integrating hardware synthesizers. This remarkable innovation transforms over 65 renowned hardware synthesizers into expansive practical controllers that unlock Omnisphere’s newly enhanced synthesis capabilities. Simply put, this groundbreaking feature makes using Omnisphere the same as using a hardware synthesizer! Bridging the physical gap between software and hardware, users gain intuitive control of Omnisphere using the familiar circuitry of a supported hardware synthesizer. Virtual instrument users can now experience the joy of the Omnisphere Hardware Synthesizer workflow, and Omnisphere Hardware Synthesizer users can fully expand their capabilities in the vast sound world of Omnisphere POWER SYNTH !!! Good luck everyone !!!
• Now includes over 14,000 inspiring sounds for all types of music production
• Ground-breaking Hardware Synth Integration allows hands-on control of Omnisphere
• Audio Import – Use your own audio file as a soundsource
• State of the Art Arpeggiator with many unique features
• Over 500 DSP Waveforms for the Synth Oscillator
• Sound Match ™ feature instantly locates any related sounds in the library
• Hardware Library with distinct ‘classic analog’ flavor
• Powerful Granular Synthesis for amazing transformations
• 58 incredible FX Units, which are fully integrated and can be modulated
• Creative “Psychoacoustic” sounds from the renowned Spectrasonics sound design team
• Sound Lock ™ feature gives endless useful variations by locking sound aspects while browsing
• Wavetable Synthesis – Each waveform is a Morphing Wavetable
• ORB circular motion interface allows infinitely-shifting variations
• Deeper FM / Ring Modulation capabilities for aggressive timbres
• Dual Filter architecture includes more than 34 Filter algorithms in series or parallel
• Performance-oriented Live Mode allows for seamless patch layering on the fly
• Flex-Mod ™ modulation system allows powerful, modular-style matrix routing
• Stack Mode interface allows for complex patch-layering, splits, and crossfades
• Up to 20 oscillators per patch can be either DSP synth or sample-based
• High Resolution resizable Interface with “Zooming” into deeper synthesis levels
• Polyphonic Timbre Shifting / Crushing, Waveshaping and Reduction
• Eight full-featured LFOs per patch, with syncing and complex waveforms
• Twelve Envelopes with both simple ADSR-style or advanced multi-breakpoint interfaces
• Easy Sound / Project Sharing for collaborators and third-party libraries
• Sample-based soundsources can be processed with synthesis features
… and much, much more!

1. Unpack the 20180906_120200.iso file to a location convenient for you (~ 83 GB). As a result, you should have a Spectrasonics folder with this content .

2. Go to the path C: \ ProgramData (the ProgramData folder is hidden by default in Windows. To display it, you must check the “Hidden items” checkbox)

This 2nd point can be skipped. Omnisphere will create this folder and shortcut itself, asking you about the location of STEAM.
3. Install Omnisphere_Update_2_8_1c.exe (update installer and crack, RePack by vkDanilov )
4. If you installed Bob Moog Tribute Library, then install from the Install_Omnisphere \ Bob Moog Tribute Patch Library Update 2.0.0c \ Windows \ Spectrasonics Updater.exe folder
5. Start Omnisphere. When you first start Omnisphere + library is a black box, and it can take 10+ minutes (depending on the power of computer)
6. After scanning and a full window appears, close Omnisphere and install the Sonic Extensions.

Keyscape, Trilian, Moog Tribute and other libraries, so that you avoid ” surprises ” and glitches.
Reason: many users yelled at ” surprises ” when updating over previous versions of Omnisphere !!!
Where can the ” tricky ” remnants of the program be located after the complete removal of Omnisphere 1.0.xx / 1.5.xx / 2.0.xx ÷ 2.8.xx POWER SYNTH:
• C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ Avid \ Omnisphere.aaxplugin << delete this folder
• C: \ ProgramData \ Spectrasonics << delete this folder
• C: \ Users \ Name \ AppData \ Local \ Spectrasonics << delete this folder
• C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steiberg \ VstPlugins \ Omnisphere.dll << delete this file
• C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Common Files \ Digidesing \ DAE \ Plug-Ins \> Look at the ArbitraryNumVolumes folder, and
• C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Common Files \ Digidesing \ DAE \ Plug-Ins \> We look at the Generic Data Updater folder, and
• C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Common Files \ Digidesing \ DAE \ Plug-Ins \ OmnisphereWrapper.dpm << delete this file
• C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Common Files \ Digidesing \ DAE \ Plug-Ins \ OmnisphereWrapper.dpm.rsr << delete this file
• C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Common Files \ Digidesing \ DAE \ Plug-Ins \ TrilianWrapper.dpm << delete this file
• C: \ Program Files (x86 ) \ Common Files \ Digidesing \ DAE \ Plug-Ins \ TrilianWrapper.dpm.rsr << delete this file
Next, clean the registry thoroughly> Find Spectrasonics, Omnisphere, Trilian, Keyscape and so on – this is the most important procedure.
The standard registry editor (regedit) and Reg Organizer 8.XXdid not clean everything,Vit Registry Fix Professional v12.6.3helped me .
1. There are such files prt_omn.index
They are created along the path Your Disk: \ Spectrasonics \ STEAM \ Omnisphere \ Settings Library \ Patches
By default, the distribution does not contain these files and they are created when you first start Omnisphere for the system of each user,
that is, the paths are written exactly your system. The number of files is 29, you need to delete them all.
They are created along the path Your Disk \ Spectrasonics \ STEAM \ Omnisphere \ Settings Library \ Multis The
number of files is 9, you need to delete them all.
They are created along the path
Your Disk \ Spectrasonics \ STEAM \ Omnisphere \ Soundsources \ Factory \ Core Library
Your Disk \ Spectrasonics \ STEAM \ Omnisphere \ Soundsources \ Factory \ Moog Tribute Library
Your Disk \ Spectrasonics \ STEAM \ Omnisphere \ Soundsources \ User
Delete them and they will be recreated the next time you start Omnisphere. The story will be the same as in the paragraph from the Omnisphere installation instructions:
“When you start Omnisphere for the first time, it may take 5-10 minutes (depending on the speed of the HDD / SSD) while Omnisphere will create the necessary files to work.”
after which it works everywhere. For example, temporarily install REAPER, register Omnisphere , and then delete the REAPER you don’t need.
por favor pueden subir Indiginus The Steel Lap Guitar y The Fiddle…estos instrumentos virtuales son IMPOSIBLES DE CONSEGUIR EN TODA LA RED.
Adoro este sitio y por eso hago este pedido…gracias por todos los materiales para musicos que suben
Does this work with mac os?
Please remove OSX from title as there are no folders with MAC OS installers. This is purely for Windows.
this not for mac
this not for mac ?
Thank youuuu
I was only able to install Nylon Sky Sonic Extension
All other extensions gave the error
“”An error occurred while trying to read the source file:
The system cannot find the path specified.
Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation.”””
The path it’s trying to access is ..\Spectrasonics\STEAM\Sonic Extensions\Seismic Shock\Soundsources\Factory\Seismic Shock\Synthesizers\Synthesizers 1.db
This file is there but somehow it’s not being recognized. Nylon Sky .exe worked fine
Thank youuuu
Does anyone have the issue where it will randomly clear the patch it’s in? I have to keep a note of what synth presets go what track so I don’t lose anything.
Download link not working, no adblock no antivirus, i installed Universal Bypass Addon, but without any change on download link wich remains hopelessly unusable… too bad…
link has been update, no need Universal Bypass Addon anymore
Many Thanks
Stil working?