Release Year: 2021
Release Date: December 8
Version: Keyscape 1.3.1c
Version: Omnisphere 2.8.2c
Version: Trilian 1.6.1c
Developer: Spectrasonics
Developer site: Spectrasonics
Platform: iNTEL
Bit depth: 64-bit
Tablet: Cured, put and work | MORiA
System requirements: Mac: macOS 10.15 Catalina or higher | Omnisphere Patches v2.8.0c or higher
Description: Omnisphere is a leading synthesizer, the fruit of several years of development by Spectrasonics®, an extraordinary and versatile instrument, a plug-in that combines many different types of synthesis into one amazing sounding instrument. This epic synthesizer is based on completely new sound technologies, combining a wide variety of real-time hybrid synthesis methods, an epic library of psychoacoustic sounds, and many innovative features that have never been seen before in hardware or software synthesizers.
the open ~ / Library then / the Application \ How it works Support / Spectrasonics’
In the opened window Finder eslm no STEAM folder you need to create it
Then we pass on the link to download a file and open the torrent and choose the content that is needed.

After the required content has been downloaded, open the image or all three images and copy everything to the STEAM folder as written at the beginning of the instructions.
After copying, close the images and open Omnisphere or Trilian or Keyscape and the program will ask you to specify the path to the STEAM folder.
We indicate the STEAM folder. Close Omnisphere or Trilian or Keyscape. Reopen Omnisphere or Trilian or Keyscape. Ready.
Create a shortcut to the STEAM folder
Open the terminal, paste the line below and press ENTER
open ~ / Library / Application \ Support / Spectrasonics
If there is a STEAM folder, you need to delete it (Making sure that all the content has been copied to another disk) and move the created STEAM shortcut to this folder with the mouse.
the link with steams doesn t work
link to steam folder not working
upload Waves plugins please
Hi, link blocked link blocked =(
Works for me! just download an older version of Omnisphere first and install it, then install this one on top of it and also find a patch library update on google, and you’re good to go!
where do you find a patch library update on google ??
Also highly confused on instructions? Where’s the patch library update?
/Users/jaayykush1/Library/Application Support/Spectrasonics/STEAM is not a valid STEAM folder
what that means
anybody help on how we’re gonna do this?
if you need help I can help email me [email protected]
Why is the file only 299mb? Omnisphere is supposed to be like 50gig ++. I’m confused…. Is this just an update file?
here is the link to download the steams
the link does not work
Hi everybody! (MacBook Pro 16 ‘, 2019, macOS Monterey)
(Logic Pro – 10.6.1)
I want to ask for help from those who have downloaded the broken version of Keyscape and figured out how to make it work!
I downloaded it here: rutracker page.
Unfortunately, there were some more serious issues with the installation and I was unable to perform it.
If anyone could help with this or you know another site where it can be downloaded and installed more easily I would appreciate it! Or if anyone could make me a video about the installation I would really appreciate it!
Have a nice day! please write me on Instagram – @kokenyrich Thanks!
For Mac user;
Download keyscape from the link from drive
Install keyscape from the main link
Then opend library/application support/spectrosonic/ -> create STEAM folder
Open STEAM keyscape downloaded from link. Copy the folder to the STEAM folder just created
Open keyscape and good to use.
please re upload 2.8.2 win and Mac, this doesn’t work
sorry my bad it actually work
steam link broken fix it pleaseeee
Does it work with MacBook Pro with M1 ?
yes, I managed to get it working on mine
Can we get a Mac silicon Omnisphere?
does this exist for windows??
Are you using M1 silicone? does it work smoothly? With Rosetta?
link broken 🙁
link for steam doesn’t work @admin