Publisher: Soundiron
Website: Soundiron
Quality: 16 bit 44.1 kHz stereo
Description: Bronze Bin is a unique library of metal percussion instruments with a rather specific tonal character.
Bronze is the most popular metal used to create high quality musical bells and cymbals. So when we came across this little dump of pure bronze we thought, “What a waste of musical potential!” Just as art and practicality intersect in the use of this richness, so do percussion and melody intersect, creating a vast palette from a single source. Producing from soft bell-shaped tones to sparse, conflicting frequencies, the Soundiron Bronze Bin is a truly unique percussion instrument.
We recorded a variety of tuned and detuned percussion elements using fingers, hammers and sticks to bring out the full musicality of this improvised instrument. All subtle resonant and harmonic nuances were captured in detail using a stereo pair of studio microphones. We then developed a whole collection of custom atmospheres, drones, pads, effects and other special presets. The resulting collection of tools is simple and expansive, and is great for a wide range of production applications from experimental to traditional.
Articulation includes finger, hammer and stick strokes, as well as special effects content. The library also includes a full set of user controls. By adjusting the attack, you can achieve a soft, swelling sound. Use the offset function and trim the sample, removing harsh transients for a gentle, harmonic pulse. Adjust the Release knob to shorten the sample from 10+ seconds to a fraction of a second, ideal for percussion. All articulations are velocity sensitive and you can use the Swell knob to further validate its amount of processing. Each articulation was tuned to a dominant frequency and spread chromatically across the keys, allowing this library to emerge as both percussion and melody. The stepping knob provides a pitch shift of Β±48 semitones with the ability to switch keys by Β±12 semitones.
Content :
376 MB Installed
470 Samples
33 Kontakt 3.5 .nki instrument presets
Unlocked Kontakt presets and wav samples to allow user customization
Finger Side (10x rr, 3 velocities)
Mallet Bottom (10x rr, 7 velocities)
Mallet Edge (10x rr, 7 velocities)
Mallet Rim (10x rr, 6 velocities)
Mallet Side (10x rr, 4 velocities)
Stick Bottom (10x rr, 5 velocities)
Stick Rim (10x rr, 7 velocities)