Soundholder – Metal Contact (WAV)

By | August 14, 2023


Publisher: Soundholder
Website: Soundholder
Format: WAV
Quality: 24 bit 96 kHz stereo

Description: The Metal Contact sound library contains recordings of various metal surfaces exposed to various instruments. From touching objects with fingers, hitting with metal bars, and using a blender or magnets to resonate materials.

Content :
It’s 136 files with total length of 230 minutes. 4.16 GB of audio recorded in 96kHz and 24bits recorded with Sound Devices 702 and two Schaller Oyster contact microphones. While recording this library my goal was to cover different needs, not only for sound designers but also editors. Scrapes and squeaks were recorded with different intensity and speeds, just like the impacts. From soft and quiet, through medium up to loud and reverberant ones. In addition to the regular approach of just touching, hitting and scraping metal parts, I’ve decided to record a few experimental sound effects. Listening to the tons of water flowing through the dam by sticking the microphones to the wall buildings? You got it. Messing with guitar strings using blender and magnets? It’s here. Throwing coins and different metal parts inside cast iron cooking dish? No problem! This sound library includes recordings of different lids, cast iron dishes, metal pots, baking forms and sheets, bullet catcher, different boxes, cooking oven, sinks, fan, pans, different jugs, electric guitar, buckets, washing machine, metal parts, old doors and walls, road sign, handrails, cages and more.

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