Sound Ideas – Symphonic Adventure (WAV)

By | August 1, 2024


Developer : Sound Ideas
Format :wav
Quality :16 bit,44.1kHz,1411kbit/s,stereo

Description :Symphonic Adventures is created to respond to many dramatic situations – pursuit, suspense, tension, action and more… The material provides a wealth of interactive possibilities, offering tempo options, as well as full symphonic versions + separate instrument sections for accented cues.

Designed for music editors and film composers, this disc is a true symphonic building toolbox – any selected segment can be connected to another, or used as a new starting point. ●Especially recommended for film, video production and multimedia projects.

●Different tempo.
●Full orchestra as well as individual instruments: strings, winds, piano, percussion…
●242 musical fragments, completely ready for use!

Track list :
SA01 1-1 Demo Demo 2:57
SA01 2-1 Manhattan: 128 Tutti :14
SA01 2-2 Manhattan: 128 Piano strong downbeat no percussion :13
SA01 2-3 Manhattan: 128 Piano strong downbeat with percussion :11
SA01 2- 4 Manhattan: 128 With cymbal + percussion :10
SA01 2-5 Manhattan: 128 Long tutti end :11
SA01 2-6 Manhattan: 128 Brass interrupt :03
SA01 3-1 Hitchcock: 128 Tutti :16
SA01 3-2 Hitchcock: 128 Strings :06
SA01 3-3 Hitchcock: 128 Tutti end :07
SA01 4-1 Predators: 128 Tutti :12
SA01 4-2 Predators: 128 Triangle + piano + percussion :10
SA01 4-3 Predators: 128 Tutti end :02
SA01 4-4 Predators: 128 Very end :02
SA01 4-5 Predators: 128 Piano + triangle :11
SA01 4-6 Predators: 128 Piano :08
SA01 4-7 Predators: 128 Piano ending :04
SA01 4-8 Predators: 128 Strings :10
SA01 4-9 Predators: 128 Strings ending :05
SA01 4-10 Predators: 128 Brass soli :15
SA01 4-11 Predators: 128 Tutti hit :02
SA01 5-1 Stravinsky: 128 Tutti :09
SA01 5-2 Stravinsky: 128 Short tutti :04
SA01 5-3 Stravinsky: 128 Shorter tutti :02
SA01 5-4 Stravinsky: 128 Hit 1 :02
SA01 5-5 Stravinsky: 128 String, piano, percussion :08
SA01 5-6 Stravinsky: 128 Long ending :04
SA01 5-7 Stravinsky: 128 Short ending :03
SA01 5-8 Stravinsky: 128 Hit 2 :02 SA01 5-9
Stravinsky: 128 Loop :10
SA01 6-1 Schwartzeneger: 128 Tutti :18
SA01 6-2 Schwartzeneger: 128 Tutti ending :03
SA01 6-3 Schwartzeneger: 128 Strings loop :08
SA01 6-4 Schwartzeneger: 128 Loop ending :01
SA01 7-1 Psycho: 128 Tutti :16
SA01 7-2 Psycho: 128 Wild & free : 06
SA01 7-3 Psycho: 128 Tutti ending :08
SA01 7-4 Psycho: 128 Very ending :03
SA01 7-5 Psycho: 128 Strings loop :05
SA01 7-6 Psycho: 128 Loop ending :01
SA01 7-7 Psycho: 128 Strings loop (different key) :05
SA01 7-8 Psycho: 128 Loop ending :01
SA01 7-9 Psycho: 128 Variation 1 (with harp) :11
SA01 7-10 Psycho: 128 Ending 1 :02
SA01 7-11 Psycho: 128 Variation 2 (with harp) :10
SA01 7-12 Psycho: 128 Ending 2 :02
SA01 7-13 Psycho: 128 Wild crescendo (wild & free) :05
SA01 7-14 Psycho: 128 Harp + strings loop 1 :08
SA01 7-15 Psycho: 128 Harp + strings loop 2 :07
SA01 7-16 Psycho: 128 Strings hit :02
SA01 8-1 Coast Road: 128 Tutti :22
SA01 8-2 Coast Road : 128 Tutti loop :12
SA01 8-3 Coast Road: 128 Piano loop :10
SA01 8-4 Coast Road: 128 Loop ending :03
SA01 8-5 Coast Road: 128 Loop 2 :09
SA01 8-6 Coast Road: 128 Brass ending :02
SA01 9-1 Vertigo: 128 Tutti :08
SA01 9-2 Vertigo: 128 Tutti loop :08
SA01 9-3 Vertigo: 128 Tutti ending :03
SA01 9-4 Vertigo: 128 Piano + pizzicato loop :07
SA01 9-5 Vertigo: 128 Loop ending :02
SA01 9-6 Vertigo: 128 Tutti ending 1 :02
SA01 9-7 Vertigo: 128 Tutti ending 2 :02
SA01 9-8 Vertigo: 128 Woodwinds loop :08
SA01 9-9 Vertigo : 128 Woodwinds loop ending :02
SA01 9-10 Vertigo: 128 Woodwinds loop ending 2 :03
SA01 9-11 Vertigo: 128 Woodwinds loop ending 3 :02
SA01 9-12 Vertigo: 128 Woodwinds + percussion:tutti :05
SA01 9- 13 Vertigo: 128 Woodwinds loop :08
SA01 9-14 Vertigo: 128 Woodwinds loop ending + percussion :05
SA01 9-15 Vertigo: 128 Brass tutti :08 SA01 9-16
Vertigo: 128 Brass loop :07
SA01 9-17 Vertigo: 128 Loop ending :03
SA01 10-1 Herrmann: 128 Tutti :10
SA01 10-2 Herrmann: 128 Loop tutti :05
SA01 10-3 Herrmann: 128 Loop ending :04
SA01 11-1 Bad Guys: 128 Tutti :15
SA01 11 -2 Bad Guys: 128 Loop without percussion :07
SA01 11-3 Bad Guys: 128 Tutti ending :12
SA01 11-4 Bad Guys: 128 Hit ending :05
SA01 11-5 Bad Guys: 128 Short hit :02
SA01 12-1 Drunk 1: 128 Tutti 1 :11
SA01 12-2 Drunk 1: 128 Tutti 2 :11
SA01 12-3 Drunk 1: 128 Loop ending long :06
SA01 12-4 Drunk 1: 128 Loop ending short :04
SA01 12-5 Drunk 1: 128 Hit :01
SA01 12-6 Drunk 1: 128 Tutti 3 (new key) :10
SA01 12-7 Drunk 1: 128 Tutti 4 : 12
SA01 12-8 Drunk 1: 128 Ending :03
SA01 12-9 Drunk 1: 128 Hit :02
SA01 12-10 Drunk 1: 128 Tutti 5 (new key) :12
SA01 12-11 Drunk 1: 128 Tutti 6 : 06
SA01 13-1 Drunk 2: 116 Tutti 1 :11
SA01 13-2 Drunk 2: 116 Tutti 2 (new key) :11
SA01 13-3 Drunk 2: 116 Tutti 3 (new key) :07
SA01 13-4 Drunk 2: 116 Tutti 4 (basic key) :13
SA01 13-5 Drunk 2: 116 Tutti 5 (new key) :13
SA01 13-6 Drunk 2: 116 Tutti 6 (new key) :11
SA01 14-1 Trap: 116 Tutti :11
SA01 15-1 Railway Station: 116 Tutti :17
SA01 16-1 Manhattan: 116 Tutti :14
SA01 16-2 Manhattan: 116 Strings + downbeat piano :14 SA01
16-3 Manhattan: 116 Piano + strings :12
SA01 16-4 Manhattan: 116 Piano + strings + percussion :13
SA01 16-5 Manhattan: 116 Tutti (2 keys) :13
SA01 16-6 Manhattan: 116 Tutti + horns (2 keys) :13
SA01 17-1 Bronx: 116 Tutti 1 :12
SA01 17-2 Bronx: 116 Tutti 2 :09
SA01 17-3 Bronx: 116 Tutti without brass :09
SA01 17-4 Bronx: 116 Accents + small percussion :10
SA01 17-5 Bronx: 116 Tutti loop : 15
SA01 18-1 Fairground: 116 Tutti :16
SA01 18-2 Fairground: 116 No percussion tutti :16
SA01 18-3 Fairground: 116 Loop without percussion :20 SA01
18-4 Fairground: 116 Percussion loop :10
SA01 19-1 Suspense 1 Tutti :20
SA01 19-2 Suspense 1 Woodwinds & brass :27
SA01 20-1 Suspense 2 Pyramid :14
SA01 20-2 Suspense 2 Vibes & piano :14
SA01 21-1 Suspense 3 Strings :27
SA01 22-1 Suspense 4 Strings + brass :20
SA01 23-1 Suspense 5 Tutti :17
SA01 23-2 Suspense 5 Percussion + effect :03
SA01 23-3 Suspense 5 Percussion + effect :03
SA01 24-1 Suspense 6 Strings :18
SA01 25-1 Suspense 7 Tutti :33
SA01 26-1 Suspense 8 Tutti :51
SA01 26-2 Suspense 8 Percussion :21
SA01 27-1 Suspense 9 Tutti :11 SA01 27-2 Suspense
9 New key :11
SA01 27-3 Suspense 9 Strings :11
SA01 28-1 Suspense 10 Tutti :28
SA01 29-1 Suspense 11 Tutti :20
SA01 30-1 Suspense 12 Tutti :20
SA01 31-1 Suspense 13 Tutti :34
SA01 32-1 Wild & Free 1 Tutti :57
SA01 33-1 Wild & Free 2 Version 1 :13
SA01 33-2 Wild & Free 2 Version 2 :13
SA01 33-3 Wild & Free 2 Version 3 :12
SA01 33-4 Wild & Free 2 Version 4 :14
SA01 33-5 Wild & Free 2 Version 5 :12
SA01 33-6 Wild & Free 2 Version 6 :13
SA01 33-7 Wild & Free 2 Version 7 :12
SA01 33-8 Wild & Free 2 Version 8 :12
SA01 33-9 Wild & Free 2 Version 9 :14
SA01 34-1 Wild & Free 3 Tutti :35
SA01 35-1 Wild & Free 4 Tutti :12
SA01 35-2 Wild & Free 4 Brass only :11
SA01 36-1 Wild & Free 5 Tutti :13
SA01 37-1 Full Orch FX 1 Tutti :08
SA01 37-2 Full Orch FX 1 Tutti + brass accent + percussion :07
SA01 37-3 Full Orch FX 1 Strings + percussion :08
SA01 38-1 Full Orch FX 2 Version 1 :14
SA01 38- 2 Full Orch FX 2 Version 2 :12
SA01 39-1 Full Orch FX 3 Tutti :18
SA01 39-2 Full Orch FX 3 Strings :16
SA01 39-3 Full Orch FX 3 Strings + piano :16
SA01 39-4 Full Orch FX 3 Brass + woodwinds :18
SA01 40-1 Full Orch FX 4 Brass :04
SA01 40-2 Full Orch FX 4 Pizzicato + piano :02
SA01 40-3 Full Orch FX 4 Strings :02
SA01 40-4 Full Orch FX 4 Strings :03
SA01 40-5 Full Orch FX 4 Strings :03
SA01 41-1 Full Orch FX 5 Brass + piano :19
SA01 41-2 Full Orch FX 5 Strings :21
SA01 42-1 Full Orch FX 6 Brass :02
SA01 42-2 Full Orch FX 6 Strings :03
SA01 42-3 Full Orch FX 6 Strings :03
SA01 42-4 Full Orch FX 6 Strings :04
SA01 42-5 Full Orch FX 6 Strings :03
SA01 43-1 Small Instr 1 Tutti :09
SA01 43-2 Small Instr 1 Woodwinds & brass :09
SA01 43-3 Small Instr 1 Strings :09
SA01 44 -1 Small Instr 2 Tutti :06
SA01 44-2 Small Instr 2 Piano & vibes :06
SA01 45-1 Small Instr 3 Tutti :14
SA01 45-2 Small Instr 3 Strings + woodwinds + brass :15
SA01 45-3 Small Instr 3 Woodwinds + brass :15
SA01 46-1 FX 1 Col legno :09
SA01 47-1 FX 2 Wild & free cymbal :25
SA01 48-1 FX 3 Tutti + wild & free :18
SA01 49-1 FX 4 Wild & free only :16
SA01 49-2 FX 4 Woodwinds & brass :11
SA01 50-1 FX 5 Death clock :10
SA01 50-2 FX 5 Death clock: Version 2 :07
SA01 50-3 FX 5 Death clock: Version 3 :07
SA01 50-4 FX 5 Death clock: Version 4 :38
SA01 50-5 FX 5 Death clock: Version 5 :18
SA01 50-6 FX 5 Death clock: Version 6 :17
SA01 50-7 FX 5 Death clock: Version 7 :06
SA01 50-8 FX 5 Death clock: Version 8 :09
SA01 50-9 FX 5 Death clock: Version 9 :08
SA01 50-10 FX 5 Death clock: Version 10 :05
SA01 51-1 FX 6 Evil Mind : 12
SA01 51-2 FX 6 Evil Mind: Version 2 :08
SA01 51-3 FX 6 Evil Mind: Version 3 :19
SA01 51-4 FX 6 Evil Mind: Version 4 :02
SA01 51-5 FX 6 Evil Mind: Version 5 :03
SA01 51-6 FX 6 Evil Mind: Version 6 :06
SA01 51-7 FX 6 Evil Mind: Version 7 :14
SA01 51-8 FX 6 Evil Mind: Version 8 :09
SA01 51-9 FX 6 Evil Mind : Version 9 :02
SA01 51-10 FX 6 Evil Mind: Version 10 :07
SA01 51-11 FX 6 Evil Mind: Version 11 :06
SA01 52-1 FX 7 Evil Mind 2 :05
SA01 52-2 FX 7 Evil Mind 2:Version 2 :09
SA01 52-3 FX 7 Evil Mind 2: Version 3 :05
SA01 52-4 FX 7 Evil Mind 2: Version 4 :02
SA01 52-5 FX 7 Evil Mind 2: Version 5 :04
SA01 52-6 FX 7 Evil Mind 2: Version 6 :03
SA01 53-1 FX 8 Roller Coaster :17
SA01 53-2 FX 8 Roller Coaster: Version 2 :04
SA01 53-3 FX 8 Roller Coaster: Version 3 :13
SA01 53-4 FX 8 Roller Coaster : Version 4 :02
SA01 53-5 FX 8 Roller Coaster: Version 5 :03
SA01 53-6 FX 8 Roller Coaster: Version 6 :15
SA01 53-7 FX 8 Roller Coaster: Version 7 :05
SA01 53-8 FX 8 Roller Coaster: Version 8 :11
SA01 53-9 FX 8 Roller Coaster: Version 9 :14
SA01 54-1 FX 9 Dead End :12
SA01 54-2 FX 9 Dead End: Version 2 :02
SA01 54-3 FX 9 Dead End: Version 3 :02
SA01 54-4 FX 9 Dead End: Version 4 :02
SA01 54-5 FX 9 Dead End: Version 5 :04
SA01 54-6 FX 9 Dead End: Version 6 :04
SA01 54-7 FX 9 Dead End: Version 7 :06
SA01 54-8 FX 9 Dead End: Version 8 :07
SA01 54-9 FX 9 Dead End: Version 9 :10
SA01 54-10 FX 9 Dead End: Version 10 :13
SA01 54- 11 FX 9 Dead End: Version 11 :25
SA01 55-1 FX 10 Midnight Run :18
SA01 55-2 FX 10 Midnight Run: Version 2 :06
SA01 55-3 FX 10 Midnight Run: Version 3 :05
SA01 55-4 FX 10 Midnight Run: Version 4 :11
SA01 55-5 FX 10 Midnight Run: Version 5 :19
SA01 55-6 FX 10 Midnight Run: Version 6 :12
SA01 55-7 FX 10 Midnight Run: Version 7 :13
SA01 56 -1 FX 11 Final Touch :07
SA01 56-2 FX 10 Final Touch: Version 2 :05
SA01 56-3 FX 10 Final Touch: Version 3 :11
SA01 56-4 FX 10 Final Touch: Version 4 :18
SA01 56- 5 FX 10 Final Touch: Version 5 :17

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