Year / Release Date : 05.2019
Version :
Developer : Sonoris
Developer site : sonorissoftware
Format : VST, VST3, RTAS, AAX, AU
Digit capacity : 32bit, 64bit
Tabletka : present
System requirements : VST, AAX, AU HOST
- 30.6 MB
Description : Parametric Minimum Phase Equalizer in VST, AU, and RTAS format for Windows and Mac. The plugin is designed for mixing and especially for mastering. These are fixed types of filters on each band and a group from 2 to 6 connected in parallel. Filters are built in feedback / feedforward in such a way as to provide cutting and boosting, as in analog graphic equalizers. Band 3 to 5 constant-Q bells and 2 and 6 shelves. Groups 1 and 7 are low / high cuts and are connected in series with the rest.
The main feature is that this equalizer is more subtle and requires more work to adjust it correctly, because there is some interaction between the bands. In a normal serially connected eq-x, the two bands of two bands simply add up, but in a parallel one, this is not the case. The filters are parallel to each other, as well as the raw signal, and it makes sure that if you have, for example, a low shelf gain and a switch on a low bell frequency increase, it simply will not become much larger. You cannot easily overdo things, but must work harder to get this opportunity. In addition, the signal path is cleaner because the filters work on the same input. Filters have the correct gain to Nyquist.
In addition to working in stereo, the parallel Equalizer can also process audio in M (ID), S (IDE), L or R mode.
The plugin has a large graphic display that shows exactly what you get. The size of the plug can be changed to your liking by dragging the lower right corner.