Softube – Tube-Tech CL 1B v2.5.9 (VST, VST3, AAX) [WiN x64]

By | October 20, 2022


Year/Date of Issue: 01.2021
Version: 2.5.9
Developer: Softube
Developer site:
Format: VST, VST3, AAX
Bit depth: 64bit
Tabletka: cured
System requirements: Windows 64-bit, versions 7, 8 or 10

Description: The Tube-Tech CL 1B is a modern classic for a very good reason. As a vocal compressor in particular, its combination of characteristic warm slow opto-gain decay and surprisingly versatile performance that can sound like a bad thing has made it a staple for a wider variety of genres than perhaps any other optical compressor. Classic rock, cutting-edge pop, rap and hip-hop, EDM… whatever.

This version of the Mk II benefits from a complete remodeling of sound from the ground up, drawing on more than a decade of experience, technology and know-how. Sounds better than ever. And it looks fresh too, with cutting-edge high-definition graphics. Not to mention the upgrade of the feature, the addition of low pass side filters and parallel mixing.
Your new favorite compressor? It could just be.

5 thoughts on “Softube – Tube-Tech CL 1B v2.5.9 (VST, VST3, AAX) [WiN x64]

  1. erby

    Hi admin, can we please get XLN AUDIO XO for Mac? The past versions were not working. Thanks for your work

  2. Jimmy mcneily

    Hi, where Can i get crack tube tech cl1b for mac ??

  3. Curbby Curb

    can we get this for mac please. thanks for you awsome work

  4. Dennis

    Please MacOS version of this would be greatly appreciated


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