Publisher : Rigid Audio
Website : rigid-audio
Format : KONTAKT 5.8.1+
Quality : 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo
- 4.27 GB
Description : AQUIVER provides 300 powerful, deep and soaring granular sounds. It works on a special granular engine that can reproduce hundreds of small sounds without significant impact on the processor.
AQUIVER is ideally suited for film dubbing, underlining and futuristic sound design. It has real-time recording of pen movements, an FX engine with bread-and-butter effects, and a unique lock switch.
Using this, you can skip tools, blocking the current settings. Ideal for trying out various sounds without losing the current pen settings and / or effect.
All effects section parameters can also be modulated in real time with a single knob.
– New Sweeps, Braams, Vocoded and Orchestral sounds.
– Randomization!
– Precise editing of each knob motion recording.
strings, noises, sweeps, textures, atmospheres and soundscapes
chords, braams, drones, guitars, pads, pianos, vocal fx and wind sounds
powerful granular engine
effects section with filter, flanger, phaser, delay and reverb
all effect settings can be modulated via one effect knob in realtime
grain control: flux, spray, smooth, shift, detune and transpose
realtime knob movement recording for interesting patterns
lock button to switch sounds without loosing current settings
retrig button for retriggering knob movement recordings
forward / backward knob movement playback
effects randomization
detailed motion knob editing via tables
low cpu and memory footprint