Rhythmic Robot Audio – Loopscape Vinyl (KONTAKT)

By | August 9, 2023


Publisher: Rhythmic Robot
Website: rhythmicrobot.com
Format: NKI, NKC, NKR, NCW
Quality: 24 bit 44.1 kHz mono

The creation of Loopscape was inspired by the experiments of musical pioneers of the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century, such as Brian Eno. Eno created music by combining tape loops of varying lengths, resulting in non-repetitive, ever-changing sonic textures. Loopscape implements this concept in the form of a synthesizer.
Loopscape Vinyl applies the same process to old regular vinyl records, instead of vintage tape loops.

Content :
Loopscape offers the user three virtual loops that can be played simultaneously. Each of them can be loaded with one of six classic analog waveforms (Saw, Double Saw, Triangle, Square, Sine, Noise) and set the duration from 0.5 to 17 seconds (at irregular intervals). Each loop is equipped with a resonant filter (HP/LP) with LFO, and three additional modulation generators that control amplitude and pitch. The LFO has five waveforms (Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth, Square, Random). There is an ADSR envelope generator. Thanks to all these features, even if you play the same note for thousands of years, you will never get a repeating sound.

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