Plugin Alliance – Mega Bundle Effects v2024.12 REPACK – R2R (VST, VST3, AAX) [WIN x64]

By | December 14, 2024


Year/Release Date : 12/13/24
Developer : Plugin Alliance.
Developer’s website : Plugin Alliance
Format : VST, VST3, AAX. Bit
depth : 64bit
Tablet : Present [R2R]
System requirements : WIN 10+

Description :
Get access to every Plugin Alliance plugin for mixing, mastering, virtual instruments,
guitar and bass amps, FX, including a sampler with a sample library of 7000+ samples.
Here are the best plugins from 40+ pro audio brands, including all the latest music production tools from major audio players
like Brainworx, SSL, Shadow Hills Industries and AMEK, as well as pioneers like Unfiltered Audio, ADPTR Audio and Three-Body Technology.
With new versions released frequently, MEGA is constantly evolving.

Included Plugins and Versions :
◍ Acme Opticom XLA-3 v1.10.1
◍ ADA Flanger v1.5.1
◍ ADA STD-1 Stereo Tapped Delay v1.5.1
◍ ADPTR Hype v1.5.0
◍ ADPTR MetricAB v1.4.1
◍ ADPTR Sculpt v1.3.0
◍ ADPTR StreamLiner v1.1.0
◍ AMEK EQ 200 v1.4.1
◍ AMEK EQ 250 v1.1.1
◍ AMEK Mastering Compressor v1.1.1
◍ Ampeg B15N v1.5.1
◍ Ampeg SVT3Pro v1.5.1
◍ Ampeg SVTVR Classic v1.5.1
◍ Ampeg SVTVR v1.5.1
◍ Ampeg V4B v1.5.1
◍ Bettermaker BM60 v1.0.1
◍ Bettermaker Bus Compressor v1.0.0
◍ Bettermaker C502V v1.0.0
◍ Bettermaker EQ232D v1.1.0
◍ Bettermaker Passive Equalizer v1.0.0
◍ Black Box Analog Design HG-2 v1.9.1
◍ Black Box Analog Design HG-2MS v1.3.1
◍ Black Box Analog Design HG-Q v1.0.1
◍ bx_2098 EQ v1.6.1
◍ bx_aura v1.1.0
◍ bx_bassdude v1.11.1
◍ bx_blackdist2 v1.9.1
◍ bx_bluechorus2 v1.11.1
◍ bx_boom v2.16.1
◍ bx_boom V3 v3.0.0
◍ bx_cleansweep Pro v1.10.1
◍ bx_cleansweep V2 v2.16.1
◍ bx_clipper v1.0.1
◍ bx_console AMEK 200 v1.0.0
◍ bx_console AMEK 9099 v1.3.1
◍ bx_console Focusrite SC v1.5.1
◍ bx_console N v1.9.1
◍ bx_console SSL 4000 E v1.7.1
◍ bx_console SSL 4000 G v1.7.1
◍ bx_console SSL 9000 J v1.4.1
◍ bx_control V2 v2.16.1
◍ bx_crispytuner v1.1.0
◍ bx_delay2500 v1.8.1
◍ bx_digital V3 v3.10.1
◍ bx_distorange v1.11.1
◍ bx_dynEQ V2 v2.16.1
◍ bx_enhancer v1.0.0
◍ bx_glue v1.0.1
◍ bx_greenscreamer v1.11.1
◍ bx_hybrid V2 v2.13.1
◍ bx_limiter True Peak v1.2.1
◍ bx_limiter v1.15.2
◍ bx_masterdesk Classic v1.7.1
◍ bx_masterdesk Pro v1.1.1
◍ bx_masterdesk True Peak v1.1.1
◍ bx_masterdesk v1.7.1
◍ bx_megadual v1.12.1
◍ bx_megasingle v1.12.1
◍ bx_metal2 v1.9.1
◍ bx_meter v1.17.1
◍ bx_opto Pedal v1.10.1
◍ bx_opto v1.10.1
◍ bx_panEQ v1.9.1
◍ bx_refinement v1.12.1
◍ bx_rockergain100 v1.3.1
◍ bx_rockrack V3 Player v3.9.1 ◍
bx_rockrack V3 v3.9.1
◍ bx_rooMS v1.9.1
◍ bx_saturator V2 v2.12.1
◍ bx_shredspread v1.18.1
◍ bx_solo v1.16.1
◍ bx_stereomaker v1.14.1
◍ bx_subfilter v1.9.1
◍ bx_subsynth v1.9.1
◍ bx_townhouse Buss Compressor v1.8.1
◍ bx_tuner v1.11.1
◍ bx_XL V3 v3.0.1
◍ bx_yellowdrive v1.11.1
◍ Chandler GAV19T v1.11.1
◍ Dangerous BAX EQ v1.10.1
◍ dearVR music v1.13.1
◍ Diezel Herbert v1.5.1
◍ Diezel VH4 v1.5.1
◍ DS Tantra 2 v2.0.2
◍ elysia alpha compressor v1.17.1
◍ elysia karacter v1.9.1
◍ elysia mpressor v1.15.1
◍ elysia museq v1.13.1
◍ elysia niveau filter v1.16.1
◍ elysia nvelope v1.10.1
◍ elysia phils cascade v1.3.0
◍ ENGL E646 VS v1.12.1
◍ ENGL E765 RT v1.11.1
◍ ENGL Savage 120 v1.3.1
◍ fiedler audio splat v1.0.0
◍ fiedler audio stage v1.2.0
◍ Friedman BE100 v1.4.1
◍ Friedman Buxom Betty v1.2.1
◍ Friedman DS40 v1.4.1
◍ Fuchs Overdrive Supreme 50 v1.3.1
◍ Fuchs Train II v1.3.1
◍ Gallien Krueger 800RB v1.3.1
◍ Harris Doyle Natalus DSCEQ v1.1.1
◍ Kiive Tape Face v1.1.0
◍ Kiive XTComp v1.0.1
◍ Knif Audio Soma v1.3.1
◍ Lindell 254E v1.2.2
◍ Lindell 354E v1.0.4 ◍
Lindell 50 Series v1.0.4
◍ Lindell 69 Series v1.0.0
◍ Lindell 6X-500 v1.2.2
◍ Lindell 7X-500 v1.2.2
◍ Lindell 80 Series v1.0.6
◍ Lindell 902 De-esser v1.0.2
◍ Lindell ChannelX v1.2.2
◍ Lindell MBC v1.0.4 ◍
Lindell MU-66 v1.0.0
◍ Lindell PEX-500 v1.2.2
◍ Lindell SBC v1.0.4
◍ Lindell TE-100 v1. 1.3
◍ Looptrotter SA2RATE2 v1.1.1
◍ LTL Chop Shop EQ v1.4.1
◍ LTL SILVER BULLET mk2 v1.0.5
◍ Maag EQ2 v1.11.1
◍ Maag EQ4 MS v1.0.0
◍ Maag EQ4 v1.16.1
◍ Maag MAGNUM-K v1.6.1
◍ Millennia NSEQ-2 v1.11.1
◍ Millennia TCL-2 v1.11.1
◍ Mixland Vac Attack v1.0.1
◍ NEOLD BIG AL v1.0.0
◍ NEOLD BIG AL v1.3.0
◍ NEOLD U17 v1.2.0
◍ NEOLD U2A v1.1.0
◍ NEOLD V76U73 v1.3.0
◍ Noveltech Character v1.17.1
◍ Noveltech Vocal Enhancer v1.15.1
◍ Pro Audio DSP DSM V3 v3.6.1
◍ Purple Audio MC 77 v1.5.1
◍ Schoeps Double MS v1.2.0
◍ Schoeps Mono Upmix v1.2.0
◍ Shadow Hills Class A Mastering Comp v1.4.1
◍ Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor v1.5.1
◍ SPL Attacker Plus v1.9.1
◍ SPL BiG v1.0.0
◍ SPL De-Esser v1.15.1
◍ SPL De-Verb Plus v1.9.1
◍ SPL DrumXchanger v1.15.1
◍ SPL EQ Ranger Plus v1.9.1
◍ SPL Free Ranger v1.18.1
◍ SPL HawkEye v1.1.0
◍ SPL IRON v1.6.1
◍ SPL Mo-Verb Plus v1.9.1
◍ SPL Passeq v1.15.1
◍ SPL PQ v1.2.1
◍ SPL Transient Designer Plus v1.10.1
◍ SPL TwinTube v1.18.1
◍ SPL Vitalizer MK2-T v1.18.1
◍ Suhr PT100 v1.2.1
◍Suhr SE100 v1.2.1
◍ TBTECH Cenozoix Compressor v1.1.1
◍ TBTECH Kirchhoff-EQ v1.7.1
◍ TBTECH Trinity Shaper v1.0.0
◍ THE OVEN v1.1.1
◍ THX Spatial Creator v1.1.0
◍ TOMO Audiolabs LISA v1.2.1
◍ Unfiltered Audio Bass Mint v1.1.7
◍ Unfiltered Audio Byome v1.3.6
◍ Unfiltered Audio Dent 2 v2.4.1
◍ Unfiltered Audio Fault v1.4.1
◍ Unfiltered Audio G8 v1.6.2
◍ Unfiltered Audio Indent 2 v2.4.1
◍ Unfiltered Audio Instant Delay v1.3.1
◍ Unfiltered Audio lo-fi-af v1.1.11
◍ Unfiltered Audio Needlepoint v1.0.6
◍ Unfiltered Audio Sandman Pro v1.4.3
◍ Unfiltered Audio Sandman v1.4.1
◍ Unfiltered Audio Silo v1.1.7
◍ Unfiltered Audio SpecOps v1.4.0
◍ Unfiltered Audio Tails v1.1.0
◍ Unfiltered Audio Triad v1.3.5
◍ Unfiltered Audio Zip v1.4.2
◍ Vertigo VSC-2 v1.15.1
◍ Vertigo VSM-3 v1.10.1

The previous ISO missed 4 brainworx products due to a flaw in our new compile/test automation.
These 4 products do not have files to install in Program Files.
The BIG AL version number has also been corrected to v1.3.


Uninstall previous versions.
We also provide the file ” PA_Uninstaller.exe “, which will uninstall all previous versions of R2R-PA.
Unzip the file PA2024FX.iso.7z .
Burn or mount ” PA2024FX.iso “.
If you want to install individual plugins yourself,
use the installers in the “installer” folder.
We have also prepared a batch installer for easy installation.
– Install_Effects_*.cmd
Install everything you need.

Activate Plugin Alliance software
1.Run our keygen in Windows.
2.Run the plugin. Run activation.
3.Select the device you want to activate.
4.Click “I’m offline”.
5.Copy the device ID to the keygen.
6.Generate a license using our keygen.
7.Click “Open License” and import the license.
8.Click “Activate”.

You can use both the R2R version and the legal one
by selecting different devices to use during activation.
We recommend placing the legal license on a removable device.
However, since all the latest PA plugins are released by R2R, you have no reason to mix them.

One thought on “Plugin Alliance – Mega Bundle Effects v2024.12 REPACK – R2R (VST, VST3, AAX) [WIN x64]

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