MAGIX – Vita Solo Instruments v2.4.0 (ViTA)

By | June 22, 2024


Publisher: MAGIX
Website: MAGIX
Format: MAGIX ViTA Sampler

Description: For craftsmen who make musical instruments, the main thing is patience! The same principle applies to the MAGIX Vita Solo virtual instruments. Every note in them has been tested and compared using different microphone settings. This is the only way to be sure that on your home computer you will be able to enjoy the unique sound of concert guitars, full string orchestras and other authentic musical instruments.

MAGIX virtual instruments are primarily about the widest variety of sounds that will give you the opportunity to create truly professional tracks when working with Music Maker or Samplitude Music Studio.

These tools can ONLY be used in products from MAGIC (Samplitude, ACiD, etc.). Other DAWs won’t read them!

Analog Synths
Urban Drums
Celtic Harp
World Flutes
Power Guitar
Electric Piano
Pop Brass
Vintage Organ
Rock Drums
String Ensemble
Bass Machine
World Percussion
Concert Guitar
Soundtrack Percussion
Electric Bass
Century Guitars
Drum Engine
Lead Synth
Space Pad
Jazz Drums
Century Keys
Upright Bass

One thought on “MAGIX – Vita Solo Instruments v2.4.0 (ViTA)

  1. rey

    Some really excellent samples, especially the World Percussion timbales. As you mentioned above, this works ONLY with Magix apps… exploring it in Acid 10 here.
    NOW and once again the dumb-ass demise of Rewire really sucks. You could do the MIDI work in Cubase with a Rewire connect to Acid 10……. MIDI editing in Acid is klunky but fantastic in Cubase. Just can’t grasp the sense in killing Rewire. Guess the next best thing would be LoopMIDI…..????


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