Jbridge 1.5 [Win x86 x64]

By | March 4, 2017

jBridge is an application designed for bridging VST plugins in Windows (up to the 2.4 VST specification).

Using inter-process communication mechanisms, it aims to make it possible to run 32bit plugins in 64bit hosts, 64bit plugins in 32bit hosts, or even bridging 32bit plugins to 32bit hosts, allowing to overcome the memory limitations of a single 32bit process, in this last case.

( note: some antivirus programs seem to think this is a virus, if you see that message you can safely ignore it, but if for some reason you’re still concerned please feel free to submit this file to your antivirus vendor for analysis – like I did, together with a nice message thanking them for being so overzealous! )

*note: hosts with built-in support for jBridge don’t require any additional setup step or the use of the jBridger tool, as they will automatically detect and use jBridge if needed.

jBridge 1.5:

– fixed crash during startup in SAWStudio.
– fixed crash that could happen with Halion.
– Reduced memory usage ( Specially relevant if you’re using a 32bit VST host ).
– Unlimited number of inputs/outputs and all buffer sizes are now supported.
– Optimized resource usage.
– auxhosts should now quit after the main host on a forced shutdown ( thanks for the hint and the help, Jeremy! )
– added workaround for plugin scanning problem with Kore2.
– Other minor bugfixes.
Version: 1.5
Developer: J’s stuff
Bit depth: 32bit, 64bit
Language: English
Tablet: Not required
System Requirements: pc

8 thoughts on “Jbridge 1.5 [Win x86 x64]

  1. Chinmay Nayak

    The link is working perfectly on my pc

  2. mourouzui

    if it doesn’t work , mazybe it’s because you have addons…
    so test on another browser without addons.
    it’s how i’m doing sometimes when it doesn’t work.

  3. rey

    How cool to see actual discussions in here 🙂
    I’m curious about:
    “note: hosts with built-in support for jBridge…….”
    Any ideas on which DAWs actually offer such support? Cubase 10.x Pro, Ableton Live 11???????
    I’ve been under the assumption that JBridge was developed by a single individual; hope he/she was well-compensated for integration into the DAWs; it’s quite reliable.


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