Year / Release Date : 2019
Version : 2.8.0
Developer : FeelYourSound
Developer site : feelyoursound
Digit capacity : 32bit
Interface Language : English
Tabletka : cured
System requirements : Screen size should be 1024 x 700 or above. Windows 8, 8.1, or 10 and a touch screen are highly recommended. Windows RT is not supported, Windows 7 might work in some cases (please test XotoPad with your setup).
- 35.9 MB
Description : XotoPad 2, multifunctional MIDI controller for Windows, Multi-Touch devices
Designed for both travel and studios, the XotoPad is the perfect choice for creating quick sketches of musical ideas. The intuitive interface gives you everything you need to play virtual instruments on the go, create chords, dynamic drum tracks and manage effects inside your workstation.
Create great melodies quickly – Choose from over 300 gammas and XotoPad will generate an optimized page for you. Do you want to sketch a melody or play live – you will never have to memorize the right notes. In addition, the built-in structural tab wizard can be used to easily create touch-sensitive keyboard layouts.
Play the right chords all the time – XotoPad contains a special chord page wizard that calculates the most important chords for you. Simply select the scale and tonic, and the XotoPad does the rest. You can also copy chords from one page to another. This way you can create your own live webpages.
Sliders, faders, drum pads – Whether you want to automate panning or loudness in your DAW, play some good drum knobs, or control your MIDI equipment – the XotoPad gives you everything you need: faders, sliders, x / y controllers, CC- pads, MIDI notes / chord buttons …
Chords and scales – quickly and easily – Simply select one of the more than 300 scales and XotoPad will calculate the most important chords of the notes (1/4, 1/3). Play freely – you will always play correctly. And, of course, you can use DAW to directly record MIDI notes.
Window Settings – Launch XotoPad in windowed or fullscreen mode. Use the transparency setting to keep the DAW in view. Activate the “always on top” function to keep your XotoPad handy. The latest settings will be called upon the next launch.
Create your own settings – XotoPad gives you four pages to work with. Each page can contain up to 18 x 18 pads. Use copy and paste to transfer your pad and page settings effortlessly. You can load and save both pages and page packages for different situations.
Useful Wizards for Typical Tasks — Whether you need a page with eight faders, a scalable keyboard, or one x / y controller: the various wizards help you create any controller in seconds.
Take it with you – is your 88-key MIDI keyboard too heavy for a weekend trip? Does your mixing console fill your entire backpack? XotoPad will simply add a few mb to your hard drive.