Introducing the HERRING CLARINET – a stunning Bb virtual clarinet for you to <3 4ever
This is an instrument that we’ve been wanting for a LONG TIME, a warm and expressive classical clarinet with all the flexibility needed to create realistic woodwind parts! This instrument is a miracle in terms of flexibility, it can handle anything you throw at it… Super agility with a gorgeous tone = good times making music.
Herring Clarinet was a project over 2 years in the making. We adventured into some deep new territory in terms of technology, and came out with one of our finest creations!
- NOT made for Kontakt Player. This library will only work with the FULL version of Kontakt 5.3.1+
- Slurred and Tonqued true legato
- Custom, genius Kontakt scripting by Andreas Lemke
- Control over vibrato speed and intensity
- 2 true, phase locked dynamics (a first for us!)
- 3200+ recorded samples
- 1.6 GB installed
- Sample resolution: 44.1Khz/24-bit mono
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