Year/Date of Issue: 06/14/23
Developer: Capella Software
Developer website:
Bit depth: 32bit
Interface language: English
Tablet: present
System requirements: Win
Description: You know what it’s like: There’s only an hour left before choir rehearsal, and you’ve been meaning to compose a four-part harmony for your choir… Do you need to do composition homework or a complex analysis? tonica will do the job for you in seconds! tonic composes four-part harmonies, canons, preludes, partitas, fugues, jazz standards and performs figured bass.
While other programs try to fool users into thinking they are gifted composers with primitive automatic accompaniment, tonica takes a completely different approach: based on neural networks, tonica is actually capable of composing in the style of the old masters. tonic will solve the same problem in different ways. You will be surprised!
Much as I hate to admit it, while I understand the theory of harmony and how to compose enough to get through a tune, something like this would be essential for learning on the fly. THE best knowledge I’d ever heard in decades around world-class players was that the BASS part is where you go to learn chord parts of a cover song. That’s where the motion is from chord to chord. And the bass alone drives the urge to dance. People dancing can’t care less about the m9-13-b11-#5-Maj7 chord embellishments unless and until it derails the bass π