Release Year : 2019
Version :
Developer : Arturia
Developer’s site : arturia
Platform : iNTEL
Interface language : English
Tablet : Present (Replacement Files)
System requirements : 10.10+: 4 GB RAM; 2.5 GHz CPU.
1GB free hard disk space
OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
- 278.8 MB
Description : VOX Continental V is the latest reincarnation of the vintage keyboard instrument from Arturia, which returns the classic sound of the famous organ VOX Continental 300. This classic organ was used in numerous well-known songs of the greatest groups of the 60s, 80s, 90s and more modern. VOX Continental V gives you instant access to these hit sounds.
Arturia Vox Continental V.v1.0.0 includes every original nuance up to the delay in contact with keys and background noise and has an upper manual, lower manual keyboard and a section of bass pedals. On board the Arturia Vox Continental V.v1.0.0 are several output processors, each of which can be assigned to its own MIDI channel.
Some notes about the plugins – testing in Ableton Live 10 some of the VST3 plugins crash when you delete them from a track, this is a problem for legit users too. VST and AU are not affected despite the AU wrapping the VST3 plugin – more reason to just switch to AU full time so you can use Live 10.1.4 too. AAX is working as it is wrapping the VST3 in Library / Arturia / PRODUCT NAME. Do not remove Arturia Software Center. Make sure to read instructions carefully – CASHMERE