Year / Release Date : 06/10/2020
Version : 1.10.25
Developer : of Ableton
Developer Site : of Ableton
Language : English
Crack : Keygen (requires an emulator the Windows )
OS 10.11.6 the X or later
the Intel® Core ™ 2 Duo Processor (Intel® Core ™ i5 processor or faster recommended)
4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
1280×800 display resolution
- 2.04 GB
Ableton Live lets you easily create, produce and play music in one intuitive interface.
Live syncs everything and works in real time, so you can play and modify your musical ideas without interrupting your creative process.
But Live also features the revolutionary Session View: a unique notebook for improvising, playing and performing with musical ideas, no time limit. Freely and independently start and stop any number of audio or MIDI loops – everything stays in sync. Nearly everything in Live works in real time – add, reorder, or remove devices, play with flexible Live track routing and more – all without interrupting your creative process. Create bolder sounds with new Live devices. Stay tuned with many workflow improvements. Move further away from your computer with Push. Create your own sound with a curated library. And get the unlimited potential of Max for Live built in seamlessly.
Added support for the M-Audio Oxygen Pro control surface.
Every Push 2 user will get a firmware update to v.1.0.71 if their Push firmware is older. This firmware version fixes an issue that caused some displays to appear upside down.
On macOS, Live now uses Apple’s Metal framework to present its UI on supported hardware. Metal support is disabled on OS X 10.11 (“El Capitan”) due to issues with certain hardware setups.
Live now receives and routes MIDI CC, Pitch Bend, and Aftertouch events sent from a VST3 plug-in device to a MIDI-out bus. Note: this is supported in plug-ins built with VST SDK 3.6.12 or higher.
Added more Live theme colors to Max for Live. After Max starts using GetColorWithAlpha, the colors also contain the correct alpha channel value.
When the Pedal device is disabled, the Pedal Type chooser switch now appears in the correct text color. When the Glue Compressor device is disabled, the text labels around rotary switches now stay in the same place.
Chinese and Japanese are now displayed in their native languages in the Language chooser in the Look/Feel Preferences tab.
Updated various info texts, and improved some info text translations for Spanish and French languages.
Fixed hanging that could occur when dragging a compressed sample into Live, under certain circumstances (macOS only).
On macOS, when the AKAI APC Key 25 is detected by Live, its control surface script will now be automatically selected and set up.
Previously, an erroneous message would appear in the Status Bar when deleting an audio file within a folder in the Places section of the browser.
Fixed some minor errors in the MackieControl and MackieControl Classic control surface scripts.
Fixed lagging that occurred in the browser’s search field when the Sounds label was selected.
Previously, a Macro Control’s range settings were not correctly updated when that Macro Control was being controlled by a Max for Live device.
On first start, Live now only selects Simplified Chinese as the UI language if either:
– the operating system language is set to Simplified Chinese; or
– the operating system region is set to the People’s Republic of China (excluding Taiwan and special administrative regions such as Hong Kong and Macao).
On macOS, if the operating system language is set to Simplified Chinese, Live now asks for permissions (e.g., to use the microphone) in Simplified Chinese.
Live could crash when closing a window, a drop-down menu, or a context menu, under certain circumstances.
Live no longer crashes when entering full screen on macOS Big Sur Beta.
Skip plugin scanning every time it starts :
Create Options.txt, enter the value without brackets (-NoVstStartupScan) if it didn’t work, then (-_NoVstStartupScan) and drop it into WIN c: \ Users \ USER_NAME \ AppData \ Roaming \ Ableton \ Live x.x.x \ Preferences \. For OSX / Users / [username] / Library / Preferences / Ableton / Live x.x.x /. If you need a scan, then before starting the program, you need to remove it from there and, after completion, throw it back.
Copying, transferring program settings :
To save your preferences, manually copy the Library.cfg file (where collection labels are stored), Preferences.cfg, Template.als, and Options.txt (if applicable) from the Live 10 preferences folder (such as Live 10.0.1). ) to the Live 10 settings folder (for example, Live 10.0.2) or to another folder. For example, after reinstalling the system, you can return the files to their place.
Note. Live 10 must be run at least once to create a Settings folder.
The Preferences folder is located here:
\ Users \ [username] \ AppData \ Roaming \ Ableton \ Live 10.x.x \ Preferences \
/ Users / [username] / Library / Preferences / Ableton / Live 10.x.x /
Disable Max :
Write this in Options.txt without parentheses (-DontLoadMaxForLiveAtStartup). If it doesn’t help, then like this (-_DontLoadMaxForLiveAtStartup). Win location c: \ Users \ USERNAME \ AppData \ Roaming \ Ableton \ Live 10.0.6 \ Preferences \. For Mac / Users / [username] / Library / Preferences / Ableton / Live x.x.x /.
Reset Max settings :
1.Close Live
2. Delete the entire Cycling folder in this location:
Windows: C: \ Users \ Your username \ AppData \ Roaming \ Cycling ’74
Mac: MacHD: / Users / [Username] / Library / Application Support / Cycling ’74
Restart Live
1 . Remove or turn off antivirus
2 . Turn off Windows Defender
3 . Download Ableton torrent
4 . Extract archive to the same folder
5 . Extract the ISO archive
6 . Run installation from admin
If the Next-Install button is not pressed, then you need to remove the shortcut from the start menu


7 . The program has opened. Press no Internet on this computer
8 . Press save
Will offer to save, save it to your desktop, for example
9 . A text document will open immediately and you copy it.
10 . Launch keygen on behalf of the Admin. Insert code
11 . Click generate
It will offer to save the license file. You save it at least on the desktop
12 . Activate like this. Move the license file to the Ableton activation window and release the button (drag and drop)
13 . Disable auto-update
14 . Done