Erik Jackson Presents – Future Vibes (WAV)

By | February 26, 2025

Publisher : Eric Jackson Presents
Website :
Format : WAV
Quality : 16 bit | 44.1 kHz | stereo

  • 464 MB

Description : Future Vibes were created by a professional sound designer and producer, Eric Jackson.

Additional Information:
Future Vibes. The latest must have come from Professional Sound Designer & Producer, Erik Jackson.
Follow the layered analog signal flow of 4 Synthesizers to lush soundscapes that are Future Vibes. The Future Vibes sample pack is composed of the following layered Synthesizers:
Moog Sub Phatty
Moog Minitaur
Moog Little Phatty
Roland SH101
Enter the Future Vibes Analog Signal Chain:
Each Synthesizer was run through its own Avalon 737 Pre-Amp, shaped with a Universal Audio TwinFinity, and finally processed using the Van Amps Reverbmate. From there, Future Vibes was recorded through an SSL AWS 900 to a Studer A810 Tape Machine.
As always, Erik Jackson broke the sample pack down into the following chord groups:
A Minor
C Minor
E Minor
Future Vibes is broken down into the following folder structure for easy access:
The Ambience Section allows you to pick up your key and begin laying out the chordal structure of your song. The Phrases Section allows you to add some melodic structure to your song. The Bass Section has very deep & oscillating bass tones (Long One Shots). Erik Jackson also created 30 loop drum breaks to chop using his Akai MPC 2000XL.
Get your samplers ready! Expand your production horizon utilizing true Analog Synthesizers & an ALL Analog Signal Chain

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