Riot Audio – Putty Piano (KONTAKT)

By | February 8, 2025


Publisher : Riot Audio
Website : Riot Audio
Format : KONTAKT
Quality : 24 bit 48 kHz stereo

  • 908.9 MB

Description : A unique twist on classical classics: an experimentally prepared library of samples for piano, where we dipped the strings with putty for posters. The effect is muffled sustain, with a sharp attack and soft resonance.
Use it like a piano or be creative and treat it like a springboard for sound design.

Requires Kontakt version 5.8 or higher (full version).

Additional Information:
In this sample library, we’ve taken an experimental approach by dampening the piano strings with thick blue poster putty (mostly known for being great for sticking posters to walls in rented accommodation!). The result is a finely tuned balance between resonance and the sharp, rubbery attack that is unique to this way of preparing the piano.
The piano is a vintage 1950s British household upright – full of character and quirks. We’ve added two extra layers of mechanical and human noise elements (eg pianist moving around, turning pages on a score) to dial in as you wish for an extra realistic feel, as well as an adjustable layer of sustain pedal sounds. There is also an additional “Body” layer – a composite of an Ebow-driven piano string, and a sine wave. This can be used to dial back in some resonance and tonal sustain to the relatively muted sustain of the dampened string sound.
If it’s a unique variation on old favorite and tons of character you’re after, this library is the perfect addition to your piano sample collection.
1.03 GB sample content
24 bit 48 khz sampling
Lexicon Digital Reverb Modeling
Hammer release, sustain pedal and player noise layers
Additional Ebow & Sine wave layer for added body and shimmering resonance
Requires Kontakt 5.8
Snapshots / Patches: A Little Body, Forlorn, Gentle Ripples, Gymnopedie No.1, In the Room, Pawprints in the Snow, Short and Snappy, Soft and Mallet-like.

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