Year/Release Date : 08.2024
Version: 1.1.0
Developer : BASQAUDIO
Developer’s website : BASQAUDIO
Format : VST3
Bit depth : 64bit
Tablet : present (R2R)
System requirements : Windows 10 or newer
Description :
FxDiff is a powerful plugin designed to analyze other audio plugins.
By inserting FxDiff before and after (Pre/Post) the plugins you are testing, you can thoroughly examine their behavior and effects.
In addition, FxDiff serves as a level matcher, allowing you to accurately compare passed and processed signals.
Additional information:
- Frequency Response Analysis: Perform gain and phase analysis of any plugin loaded into your DAW. You can even visualize gain curves of EQ plugins without the EQ curve GUI.
- Spectrum Analyzer: Compare frequency domain characteristics between bypassed and processed paths to determine the added effect of plugins.
- Hammerstein: Analysis of harmonic distortion behavior caused by nonlinearities in tested plugins by determining the parameters of the Hammerstein model.
- Compression and Distortion Analysis: Explore the compression curves of compressor plugins and the nonlinear distortion curves of saturator/distortion plugins.
- Oscilloscope: Evaluate the time domain waveform and differences between passed and processed signals for complete understanding.
- Level Matching: Automatically match levels between bypassed and processed paths, ensuring accurate evaluation of the plugin’s effect without level discrepancies.
- Auditory comparison: Listen for differences or mix bypassed and processed signals.
- Signal Generator: Generate basic test signals such as sine waves, noise, or specified WAV audio to use in place of the input signal.
1. After installation, run the plugin + BASQ_KeyGen (Product: BASQ AUDIO – FxDiff)
2. In the plugin, click the key, copy the Machine ID into the corresponding KeyGen window and click “Register”
3. Reload the plugin
2. In the plugin, click the key, copy the Machine ID into the corresponding KeyGen window and click “Register”
3. Reload the plugin
Your Machine ID is located