Sonivox – Orchestral Companion Woodwinds 1.4 (VST, AAX) [Win x86 x64]

By | January 17, 2017


Weโ€™re all united by our deep and profound love of music, in all its forms, in every style or genre, in any instrumentation. It reaches us on a level that we just canโ€™t put into words.

But there’s something about woodwinds. Perhaps it’s because the wind instruments parallel the human voice in both frequency range and overtone structure more closely than any other category of instruments. Whether you’re listening to Nicholas Daniel performing Mozart’s Oboe Concerto in C Major or hearing the unbridled joy of Benny Goodman on clarinet on the still incredibly hip 1937 recording of Sing Sing Sing, in the hands of these amazing musicians, these woodwind instruments seem like they’re speaking directly to you.

Who are we to second-guess this kind of sound, artistic integrity and emotion?
That’s why we take it as our responsibility to present you with our Orchestral Companion Woodwinds collectionโ€”as realistic and lifelike a collection as we could possible make. You shouldn’t have to settle for anything less.


Year / Release Date: 2016
Version: 1.4
Developer: Sonivox
Format: VSTi, AAX
Bit depth: 32bit, 64bit
Medicine: Disinfected
System requirements: Windows 8, Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Home Premium, Profession, or Ultimate
Minimum Dual Core 2 GHz, Intel Core i5 or i7 Recommended
Minimum RAM 2GB, 4GB or more Recommended
1 Gigabyte free hard drive space (Download and Installation)
A VST, RTAS (Pro Tools 10) or AAX (Pro Tools 11) compatible host application



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