Fallout Music Group – Hybrid Studio Taiko (KONTAKT)

By | August 23, 2024


Publisher : Fallout Music Group
Format : Kontakt (6.7.0+)
Quality : Stereo 48 kHz 24 bit

Description : Taiko – large Japanese drum
H y b r i d S t u d i o T a i k o offers a fresh approach to a classic instrument. Taiko have long been a part of film and trailer soundtracks due to their wide range of sounds and epic nature.
We wanted to focus on action-oriented taiko and bring you their amazing sound, but make it tight and impressive, without the typical boomy long tails found in most libraries.

We have teamed up with two world taiko experts : Isaku Kageyama and Rannoch Purcell (Taiko Zentrum Deutschland). We recorded individual ensembles of 30″, 18″, 16″, bachi (special taiko sticks ) , chappa (Japanese cymbals often used in taiko ensembles ) and atarigane (bowl-shaped bells), and then recorded some solo drums, in including three 30″ odaiko (largest drum), two 18″ chudaiko (medium-sized drum), two 16″ chudaiko, one 10″ prototype and one shime-daiko (small drum). Most of these drums are recorded with center hits, off-center hits and rim hits using 10 cycles and 4 layers of velocity. This ensures the most realistic performance possible.

To further immerse the action, we took each sample and created hybrid versions with synth and distortion layers to add extra grain and expression. The interface allows you to mix regular studio recordings with hybrid samples at your discretion, giving you complete control over sound shaping.

The H y b r i d S t u d i o T a i k o library provides 4 Kontakt instruments and is available for use in the free Kontakt Player.

It is also fully NKS compatible, giving you complete control over all settings using an NKS compatible keyboard.
• 4 Kontakt instruments: 1 full set of all drums spaced more than 3 octaves apart, 2 double-spaced low ensembles 2 octaves apart, double-spaced high ensembles 2 octaves apart and double-spaced solos distributed 3 octaves apart
• Nearly 3,000 unique studio and hybrid samples
• 8 user ensembles and 9 different solo drums
• 10 loops and 4 velocity layers on most drums (6 loops minimum)
• Separate volume, mute, attack controls , release, saturation and EQ for studio and hybrid samples
• Global high- and low-pass filters, plate and room reverb control
• Global “wreck” control provides additional power, grain and compression
• All sources are recorded in 48 kHz 24-bit stereo
• Full compatibility with NKS and the ability to work in both the free Kontakt Player and the paid version of Kontakt

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