Fracture Sounds – Moonlight Celeste (KONTAKT)

By | August 23, 2024


Publisher : Fracture Sounds
Format : Kontakt (6.7.0+)
Quality : Stereo 48 kHz 24 bit

Description : Celesta – keyboard metallophone
Experience the playful and enchanting sound of Moonlight Celeste , recorded in a large concert hall with multiple microphones, atmospheric layers and additional instruments that will help shape the sound for both orchestral and contemporary performances.

About the Library
Moonlight Celeste , created with traditional and contemporary performance in mind, was recorded in detail by the Fracture Sounds studio team in the same concert hall where Spotlight Piano , Midnight Grand and Glacier Keys were recorded . In addition to the close, mid and far mics, the library also contains three carefully selected atmospheric layers that blend seamlessly with the raw samples. Additionally, a new Music Box layer can help create a more vintage and playful tone, while Lo-Fi control can transform the library’s original purity into a unique electronic sound.

Basic Controls
The basic controls in this library allow you to quickly customize the sound of your instrument. Color is an EQ setting that can brighten or darken the overall tone of the celesta , while the Attack and Release settings give you more options to enhance the sound and create softer pads when raw samples are combined with layers of atmosphere and reverb.
There are three mic mixes available in the library, with close mics giving the performer’s perspective, mid mics providing greater balance, and distant mics adding the ambience of the large concert hall in which the library was recorded. You can quickly find the balance between these mic signals using the Perspective slider.

Sound Design Options
We’ve created several instruments to help shape the overall sound of the instrument, starting with three special atmospheric layers processed from the original samples. Combining these layers with four reverb options and improved attack and release controls can transform the Moonlight Celeste from an orchestral instrument into a more modern ambient pad.
In addition to the ambiance controls, there is a dedicated Music Box layer and a Lo-Fi control that will allow you to change the original clarity of the instrument to a more vintage-style form.

Advanced Velocity Control
As with the Spotlight Piano , you can customize the tone and feel of the Moonlight Celeste using the Response page. To provide a high degree of control, we’ve separated “dynamics” into “timbre” and “volume” so you can adjust each component separately. With Timbre Scaling, you can adjust the range and curve of how the input velocity value triggers the different dynamic layers (and therefore the timbre). Volume Scaling adjusts the effect velocity has on the volume of each note.

Expanding the Range
The range of the celesta is smaller than that of the piano, so we have provided the ability to expand the range of the instrument beyond its natural value. This may reduce sound quality in the stretched lower octaves, but opens up more possibilities for composers if they want to experiment.

Additional Settings
Like many of our libraries, Moonlight Celeste includes sample onset compensation, allowing you to extend or shorten the onset of a note. This is important for those keyboard players who are sensitive to latency when performing live or recording during a session. After recording, you can expand the sample range and use the M/S value next to the controls to compensate for this in your DAW’s negative delay settings.

Other controls allow you to reduce the hollow sound that is most often heard in the upper octave ranges, as well as change the behavior of the Room Tone and Atmosphere Layer roll-off.

Features :
• 11 snapshots (presets);
• 3 atmospheric layers;
• signals from close, middle and far microphones;
• up to 9 cycles;
• recorded in a large concert hall;
• full NKS support – works with Komplete Kontrol;
• works in the free Kontakt Player (version 6.7.0 and higher).

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