REFLEX+ is a delay algorithm based echo/reverb VST/VST3/AU plugin.
– Short reflections up to endless reverberation
– Time/Pan/Filter/Level modulation
– 7 Filter Modes
– 7 Delay/Reverb algorithms
– 2 independent effect slots (REFELX lines)
Main update features are:
Filter and Amp modulation
Syncable LFO with variable target and output settings
Individual Panorama and Filter spreading for each REFLEX line
5 new Filter modes with enhanced routing settings
Individual filter settings for each REFLEX line
Syncable delay times
REFLEX line Solo listening
Input Gain split
VST3 support
plus a lot of minor improvements. REFLEX+ V3 ships with
more than 60 inspiring new presets covering a lot of the
new features.
Minimum System Requirements:
Processor: Current PC or IntelMac, CPU with SSE2
Operating System: Windows XP or newer
Memory: 1GB RAM, more recommended. 20MB free disc space
Host application: VST2/VST3 or AU (Macintosh) compatible host software.
REFLEX+ supports 32bit and 64bit in all available formats
1) Unrar
2) Install.
3) Use a very boring serial
4) Its advised to have the DAW blocked in firewall
โข Thats it! Done.
โข Supp0rt th3 D3v3lop3r if you liK3 it.
3Nj0Y !!!