Soniccouture – Ondes (KONTAKT)

By | August 4, 2016


Ondes is a virtual “Ondes Martenot” for Kontakt Player and Kontakt.

Recorded with world-famous Ondist Thomas Bloch, the instrument features extensive sampling of the Ondes oscillators, convolution emulation of each of the 3 loudspeakers, and the ability to setup real-time control for all types of MIDI controller. Also included is the PolyOndes, a polyphonic synth based on the Ondes oscillators and speakers.

Ondes Main Panel:

  • Send level faders for each of the Ondes Martenot speakers, + line out level.
  • Faders for each of the 7 oscillators + ‘Tutti’ switch.
  • ADSR envelope control (optional, depending on Setup).
  • Brightness control – switchable to 12db Filter with resonance.
  • Detune, Width and Saturation faders.

Ondes Speaker Edit Panel:

  • Convolution modelling of each speaker.
  • Close, Far and Room stereo mic positions for each speaker.
  • 4 different original settings from D2 Spring reverb.
  • AMP and DECAY settings for each IR processor.

Ondes Performance Setup
The Setup Panel is a custom scripted MIDI control matrix. Depending on your playing ability and available MIDI controllers, you can configure the Ondes instruments realtime control options in a number of different ways:

  • Custom Glide (Ring) Scripting – realtime control of portamento time.
  • Control pitch and volume independently using Aftertouch, XY pad or any MIDI cc.
  • ‘Exclude Key ‘ function – emulate touche d’intensitรฉ.
  • Save User control setups and load to any preset.

The Poly-Ondes
The Poly-Ondes is a bonus instrument: a polyphonic synth using the Ondes Martenot oscillators and speaker modelling : create fabulous vintage pad sounds with full LFO and filter modulation, detune all 7 oscillators and play them back through the speakers for an incredibly characterful sound. There are 50 Poly-Ondes presets showing the sound design possibilities.



torent magnet

3 thoughts on “Soniccouture – Ondes (KONTAKT)

  1. Robin Luis MANLAY

    where is the serial number in the file ?

  2. Robin Luis MANLAY

    how did you find the serial number of the ondes martenot


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