BandLab – Cakewalk 2019.09 [WiN x64]

By | February 13, 2025


Year / Release Date : 09.2019
Version : 2019.09
Developer : BandLab
Developer’s site : BandLab
Bit : 64bit
Interface language : Russian
Tabletka : present \ R2R
System Requirements :
Windows 7 or higher (64-bit only)
Multi-core Intel or AMD CPU

Description : The world’s leading DAW SONAR with the full range of SONAR Platinum features resumes operation as Cakewalk by BandLab
BandLab Technologies launched Cakewalk by BandLab, replacing SONAR, the iconic DAW developed by Cakewalk Inc. This long-awaited product release follows BandLab Technologies’ announcement last month that it acquired all of Cakewalk’s intellectual resources and some other assets from Gibson Brands. The rebuilt DAW includes all of SONAR Platinum’s key premium features, such as the award-winning Skylight user interface, flexible ProChannel modules and a powerful 64-bit audio engine.
Cakewalk by BandLab is a version of SONAR Platinum that does not include some third-party products and content bundles. Existing users who have already purchased packages or individual third-party products and plugins can still use these products in Cakewalk by BandLab.
BandLab Technologies is a collective of world music brands connecting the world of music.
BandLab, the group’s flagship digital product, is a social platform that allows musicians to create music and share the creative process with other musicians and fans. Other well-known brands in this portfolio are Rolling Stone, a leading international voice in pop culture and music since 1967, MONO, an award-winning music company for life products, and Swee Lee, a leading online retailer in Asia and a distributor of musical instruments and pro audio brands.

New in Version
Release Notes (2019.09)
Features & Enhancements
Duplicate Selected Clip (s) command (CTRL + D or Track view Clips> Duplicate Selected Clip (s) command).
Auto Crossfade toggle in Track view.
Show note names on Piano Roll view Note events (PRV Notes> Show Note Names).
Take lane record options available from Record button context menu and Edit> Preferences> Project – Record: ‘Create New Lane’, ‘Reuse Existing Lane’, and ‘Reuse Existing Lane, Unless Takes Overlap’.
Take lane enhancements, including import directly to Take lanes from File> Import and double-clicking in Media Browser, fast Edit filter switching (SHIFT + right-click), change fade type on crossfaded clips, CTRL + ALT + drag to adjust a single crossfade, hold SHIFT and drag a clip edge to crop an individual clip, and hold SHIFT on Comp track (lanes collapsed) to adjust split location across lanes.
Play List enhancements, including option to defer loading the next song until after the current song has finished, option to close projects regardless of project changes, and Help Module content.
New keyboard shortcuts: Insert Audio track (CTRL + T), Insert MIDI track (CTRL + SHIFT + T), Clear Selection (SHIFT + ESC), and Redo (CTRL + Y).
Mackie Control enhancements, including HUI protocol support, support for alternative parameter labels, and support for ProChannel EQ, Track Compressor, and Bus Compressor.
Improvements to plug-in state loading and presets.
Support for VST2 plug-ins without binary block persistence, which allows Cakewalk to properly restore parameters for such plug-ins when loading projects.
Support for VST3 Program Changes. Cakewalk now supports changing programs for VST3 plug-ins via a new Program change parameter. There is now a Preset value at the end of the automation parameter list that will change plug-in preset values ​​for plug-ins that support it.
Overhaul of plug-in time sync in engine. There has been an overhaul of the engine to improve and optimize time sync with plug-ins. The changes improve the accuracy of time synchronization while seeking on the timeline during playback and while looping. We also addressed known problems with time sync with Melodyne and other time dependent plug-ins that have an internal timeline.
Improved Reset / Panic to clear stuck MIDI notes, and CTRL + click Reset button to force a reload of the audio and MIDI engine.
Support for ‘stop’ and ‘pause’ MCI MIDI events to automatically stop / pause playback.
Improved compatibility with older SONAR WRK files.
Updated ‘Basic’ Lens that provides a cleaner and simplified layout.
Dropout Analytics: Dropouts are now flagged with a reason code (listed in the dropout message) that can be useful in tracking down the cause of dropouts. The online help lists the dropout reason codes and potential preventative action that may be taken.
Behavior changes
When isolating clips in Take lanes during playback, the Now time jumps to the clicked location by default. To automatically jump to the clip start instead, enable the Track view Options> Click Behavior> Left Click Rewinds to Clip Start in Lanes option. This option replaces the previous SHIFT-click behavior.
The Track view Options> Click Behavior> Left Click Sets Now option only sets the now time during playback when using the Smart tool, Comping tool, or Move tool (when clicking whitespace only). All other tools do not set the Now time when clicking in the Clips pane.
The Track view Options> Click Behavior> Transport Seeking Stops Playback option specifies if playback should stop when changing the timeline position during playback.
By default, the Play List no longer prompts to save project changes during playback.
SHIFT + double-clicking a clip no longer hides other tracks.
CTRL + T shortcut is now ‘Insert Audio Track’ instead of ‘Hide tracks not in selection’.
Edit> Paste no longer uses settings from the Edit> Paste Special dialog box. The use the Paste Special settings, go to Edit> Preferences> Customization – Editing and select ‘Use Paste Special Options on Paste’.
SHIFT + Z shortcut is no longer assigned to the Track view View> Auto Track Zoom command by default. The Auto Track Zoom command can be assigned to any shortcut in Edit> Preferences> Customization – Keyboard Shortcuts.
The ‘RTZ’ command has been renamed to ‘Rewind to Landmarks’.
The ‘Go to Beginning (1: 1: 0)’ command has been renamed to ‘Go to Start (RTZ)’.
The ‘Go to Start (RTZ)’ and ‘Go to End’ buttons now accurately seek to project beginning and end, and do not stop playback.
The ‘Go to Start’ transport button uses the CTRL + HOME shortcut.
Improved application startup time especially when many 32-bit plug-ins are present.
Improved efficiency when playing back or looping projects with lots of plug-ins at low latency.
Faster loading of project files containing many plug-ins and synths.
Switching plug-in presets is faster.
Exporting or bouncing projects containing clips stretched using élastique audio is faster, because stretches are no longer pre-processed prior to rendering.
Build hotfix
Fade In doesn’t respond to menu changes
‘Left Click Rewinds to Clip Start in Lanes’ doesn’t work if clip start is off screen
Basic lens persists the Tungsten theme
Build hotfix
New Options> Click Behavior> Transport Seeking Stops Playback option, which specifies if playback should stop when changing the timeline position during playback
U-He plug-ins crash on opening projects in version 2019.09
Waveform preview draws unexpectedly in version 2019.09
Bus waveform preview could stop drawing when hidden buses are present
Can no longer open Piano Roll view by double-clicking a selected MIDI clip
Fast consecutive seeking on timeline can cause hang with projects that contain video
Envelopes are not being moved with comp clip, but are removed instead
Metronome count-in throws off timekeeping in VST plug-ins like EZdrummer
Crash when switching between effects and instruments in the Plug-in Browser if plug-ins are removed from the active layout in Cakewalk Plug-in Manager
Plug-in Browser doesn’t always reflect changes made in the Cakewalk Plug-in Manager
Crash when dragging Loop Start marker past 1: 01: 000 with Snap to Grid disabled
Quick grouping should be disabled if there is no track selection
Incorrect track strip control layout in Console view when WAI Display is enabled
Numerous issues with clip context Crossfade menus
Selected channel strips widen unexpectedly in the Console view if ProChannel display states aren’t uniform
Data is not imported to the selected Take lane when imported via the Clips pane context menu
Importing audio to a Take lane resets the current lane focus to the topmost lane
Improved dropout reason code reporting
Restored many missing ‘Learn More’ buttons in the Help Module
Bug fixes
All reports of loss of plug-in states when loading projects have been addressed.
Intermittent crashes when adding plug-in side-chains were fixed.
Setting Track Input to same Patch Point as Output crashes. Patch points have been removed from dropdown in Selected Track Inputs dialog box.
Focusrite ASIO Devices could create a buzzing sound when stopping playback rapidly.
Some ASIO devices could result in unstoppable playback when stopping and starting the transport rapidly.
Improved ASIO first buffer processing when starting playback.
User reported ASIO crash on playback start.
User reported Crash when deleting MIDI track.
Rapidly stopping and starting playback could rewind the transport unexpectedly.
Crash editing plug-in automation envelope during playback.
Some plug-in’s such as Acorn Digital could cause a hang when changing presets.
Edit commands to ‘Delete Hole’ or ‘Slide Over Old to Make Room’ could occasionally have unexpected results. These commands now use standard ripple edit behavior.
Some legacy .WRK files could cause a hang when attempting to open them.
Adding a synth in the FX Rack could cause all plug-in automation to get orphaned on next load of the project.
Hang when rapidly clicking Track view menu bar buttons.
Patch points or Aux tracks could cause a memory leak leading to a dropout.
Progress bar in Control Bar Transport module flashes black.
Help Module doesn’t update if floating and the Browser is collapsed.
Layout issues when changing CPU Meter options in Control Bar Performance module.
Num 0 is shown as ‘Unassigned’ in Preferences> Customization – Keyboard Shortcuts.
Audio is not shown on initial launch of Drum Replacer.
New Project dialog box draws incorrectly when Play List is open.
Undo of Insert Effect does not remove assigned sends.
Rapidly pressing SPACEBAR to start and stop playback with ‘On stop, Rewind to Now Marker’ selected has unexpected results.
Play List controls do not show info in the Help Module.
Selection shading in time ruler does not update in real-time when moving selection handles.
Tools with specific hit zones do not leverage extra space when other Smart tools behaviors are disabled.
Manually healing abutting healable clips (hold down the CTRL key and click one of the selected clips) in Take lanes ignores the selection.
Comp clip doesn’t show range selection.
SHIFT + right-click does not toggle Edit Filter in lanes.
File> Import> Audio does not place clip on selected lane.
Double-click import from Media Browser does not respect lane selection.
It’s possible to set a parent track’s Edit filter to ‘Audio Transients’ or ‘Clip Automation’ when Take lanes are visible.
Moving Clips in lanes with ‘Slide Over Old to Make Room’ selected causes unexpected results.
Slip-editing no longer works in lanes unless SHIFT is pressed.
Comp clips show data from muted MIDI clips.
Comp clip draws waveform amplitude incorrectly after deleting clip selections from Take lanes.
Holding down the CTRL key while using the Smart tool or Comping tool in Take lanes does not toggle clip mute state consistently.
Speed ​​comping is unnecessarily healing clips during, resulting in unexpected clip cropping.
Drawing automation with the Freehand tool creates unexpected envelope nodes when dragging outside the Automation lane boundary.
Automation lane parameter slider shows cut off text.
When Automation lanes are minimized, the slider value overlaps the slider.
When dragging a Comp clip to a new project, automation may or may not be copied depending on where the clip is clicked and dragged from.
Loop recording automation preview does not work as expected after it loops back.
Aim Assist is visible on app startup when mouse isn’t over Clips pane.
Aim Assist line remains visible outside of the Clips pane in some circumstances.
Track folders show open / close (+/-) toggle when folders are empty.
Waveform Preview obscures automation in buses and tracks.
Groove clips show snap offsets (anchor points) when dragging.
The background color of clips showing clip envelopes changes unexpectedly after performing a Cut, Paste, then Undo twice.
Multi-clip slip stretching allows clips to be stretched before measure 1.
Bus waveform preview does not draw properly in response to volume changes.
When switching tools with a modifier shortcut, the mouse cursor does not update until moved.
Cancelling a Clips pane drag operation clears the selection.
When clips are split, the clip selection changes, but the Time Ruler selection does not update to match.
Preview is not shown when drag-copying a position locked clip.
Dragging from right to left in the Time Ruler to make a selection can cause unexpected selection drawing in the Piano Roll view.
Aim Assist does not refresh immediately in the Piano Roll view Time Ruler after disabling / enabling.
Piano Roll view track focus does not persist in screensets.
Zooming the Piano Roll view with CTRL + ALT + mouse wheel produces drawing artifacts in the Time Ruler.
Piano Roll view keys are grayed out indefinitely if Note Off not sent by MIDI controller.
Piano Roll view does not show correct track colors when dragging notes from multiple tracks.
Plug-ins can lose state and revert to the plug-in reset state if changes are made when the plug-in is not active.
When loading plug-ins from a saved FX Chain preset, the values ​​can get reset when dragging between FX Racks.
Bank Select messages are not sent to VST 2 plug-ins.
Opening some plug-in windows automatically mark the project as modified.
32-bit VST plug-ins are not hidden when 64-bit equivalents are available.
App startup time is very slow when many 32-bit plug-ins are present in the VST inventory.
External Insert can be added to clips FX Rack from MRU list.
VST2 plug-ins that do not support binary block persistence, and do not have default programs, do not save their state and reset to default on open.
Projects with older Arturia plug-ins like Piano V load but plug-ins are silent.
Cakewalk must be periodically activated via BandLab Assistant, but will no longer switch to demo mode during a session. A notification will remind you 14 days before the application needs to be reactivated.
Opening Melodyne clip does not select clip in Melodyne.
Melodyne loses sync with metronome count-In.
Melodyne loses sync when seeking on timeline.
Loop playback of Melodyne loses sync when seeking on timeline.
Drum Replacer loses sync when seeking on timeline.
Cloning a track inside a Track Folder sometimes places the new track outside the folder.
Intermittent “motorboating” during playback with Focusrite devices.
MIDI playback can lose sync when seeking in a project that contains tempo changes.
When using a split instrument track, setting the audio output track’s Input to ‘None’ does not disable Input Echo.
Old Cakewalk .WRK files referencing MCI audio events fail to open.
Installer does not overwrite existing Help Module content.
Update Installer is not replacing CW130Auto.dll.
Stuck MIDI notes are not reset for many softsynths by pressing the Reset button.
Unexpected spike in audio at edit points when using élastique Pro as Offline render mode.

BandLab – Cakewalk (555.5 MB)
BandLab – Studio Instruments Suite (898.1 MB)

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